Must-see attractions in Myanmar (Burma)

  • Immaculate Conception Church

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Also known as the old Portuguese church, these are actually the red-brick ruins of a church built by an Italian priest around 1750. Find them by following…

  • Baung Daw Gyoke

    Myanmar (Burma)

    About 5½ miles east of Twante on the way to Dalah is this pagoda surrounded by water and reached by a bridge that is better known as 'snake temple' –…

  • Htee Se Kha Waterfall

    Eastern Myanmar

    This modest but pretty waterfall is really three separate falls that plunge into a pool that's a popular swimming spot. The falls are surrounded on three…

  • Holy Trinity Cathedral


    Yangon's principal Anglican church was designed by India-based architect Robert Fellowes Chisholm. The red-brick-painted neo-Gothic structure took nine…

  • Lawkananda Paya


    At the height of Bagan’s power, boats from the Mon region, Rakhaing (Arakan) and even Sri Lanka would anchor by this riverside pagoda with its distinctive…

  • Kennedy Peak

    Chin State

    Kennedy Peak stands 8868ft high, making it Chin State's second-highest mountain. The site of a battle between the British and Japanese in WWII, the peak…

  • Lake Meiktila

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Lake Meiktila is the town’s premier attraction. There are no boating options, but you can cycle around some of it. Between the road and rail bridges, west…

  • Taukkyan War Cemetery


    Twelve miles north of Yangon’s airport is this beautifully maintained cemetery, containing the graves of 6374 Allied soldiers who died in the Burma and…

  • Thaketa Crocodile Farm


    Off the main road from Yangon to Thanlyin, at the end of a bumpy road leading into the Thaketa Industrial Estate, is this government-run farm that breeds…

  • Gold-Pounders’ District


    Those 1-sq-in gold-leaf sheets that worshippers piously place on sacred buddha images are laboriously hand-pounded in dozens of specialist workshops in…

  • Mahabodhi Paya


    Unlike any other Bagan temple, this monument, located on the north side of the main road 1000ft west of the gate, is modelled after the famous Mahabodhi…

  • Seinnyet Ama & Seinnyet Nyima Paya


    The Seinnyet 'Sisters' are a pair of beautiful paya standing hand in hand next to one another. Built in the 11th century by Queen Seinnyet, the, Seinnyet…

  • Pakhangyi

    Myanmar (Burma)

    About 17 miles northeast of Pakokku, on the way to Monywa, are the remains of Pakhangyi, a 19th-century wooden monastery. There isn't a lot to see here,…

  • Maha Wizaya Zedi


    This well-proportioned zedi (stupa), built on General Ne Win's orders in the early 1980s to commemorate the unification of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar,…

  • Shinpinsarkyo Paya

    Myanmar (Burma)

    About 4 miles southwest of town, you'll find the Bagan-era (but renovated over the years) Shinpinsarkyo Paya (Temple 88), which is full of original…

  • Buledi


    Great for its views, this steep-stepped, pyramid-style stupa looks ho-hum from afar, but the narrow terrace has become something of an alternative sunset…

  • Myazedi


    Built in the 12th century by Prince Yazakumar as a memorial to his mother, this large and gently tapering gold pagoda is flanked by two large chinthe (…

  • Pegu Club


    It's a happy ending, sort of, for the long-forlorn Pegu Club. Dating from 1882, this regal teak building was once the most exclusive British club in Burma…

  • Werawsana Jade Pagoda

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Werawsana is reputedly the world’s first pagoda built entirely out of jade. It's a sight to behold in the evening, when it radiates a soft green glow that…

  • Kyaik Pun Paya

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Built in 1476 by King Dhammazedi, this impressive temple consists of four 100ft-high sitting buddhas (Gautama Buddha and his three predecessors) placed…

  • Nga Ka Pwe Taung

    Myanmar (Burma)

    On the western bank of the river and a couple of miles north of the bridge, is the small town of Minbu and the fun Nga Ka Pwe Taung (Dragon Lake), a…

  • Sakyamanaung Paya

    Rakhine State

    Roughly half a mile northeast of the palace walls, and behind Shwegudaung hill, this graceful Mon-influenced zedi (stupa) was erected in 1629 by King…

  • Shwe Kyina Paya

    Northern Myanmar

    About 3 miles north of town, beyond the military enclave, the historic Shwe Kyina Paya has two gold-topped stupas and marks the site of the 5th-century…

  • Wetkyi-In-Gubyaukgyi


    Just west of Nyaung U and about 330ft east of Gubyauknge, this detailed off-the-main-circuit, 13th-century temple has an Indian-style spire, like the…

  • Teyzit

    Tanintharyi Region

    Teyzit is really two sweeps of white sand, separated by a headland. The western side of the beach curves seductively and is one of the prettiest beaches…

  • Ananda Ok Kyaung


    Just west of Ananda, this small vihara (sanctuary or chapel), built in 1137, features some detailed 18th-century murals bursting with bright red and green…

  • Thakin Kodaw Hmaing Mausoleum


    The tomb of one of Myanmar's most celebrated poets and public intellectuals is the furthest away from Shwedagon Paya in the quartet of mausoleums here…

  • Yangon Heritage Trust


    The small gallery of historic photographs here gives an idea of how downtown Yangon used to look. There's a great view of lower Pansodan St's grand…

  • State Fine Arts School


    Built in the early 20th century as the grand home of shipping-and-rubber magnate Lim Chin Tsong, this is another decaying but highly evocative slice of…

  • Thabeik Hmauk


    Facing Sulamani from the east, and well worth visiting, this sikhara-topped temple looks like a miniature version of its more famous neighbour but sees…

  • Mingalazedi Paya


    Close to the riverbank, towards Myinkaba from Old Bagan, Mingalazedi Paya (Blessing Stupa) represents the final flowering of Bagan’s architectural…

  • Shwesandaw Paya

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Just over a mile into Twante from the canal stands this gilded, 250ft-tall Mon-built zedi (stupa), believed to be as ancient as the Shwedagon Paya (2500…

  • Hsinbyume Paya

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Built in 1816 by King Bagyidaw, possibly using materials pilfered from Mingun Paya, this unusually striking pagoda rises in seven wavy, whitewashed…

  • Daw Khin Kyi Mausoleum


    Here lies Aung San’s widow and Aung San Suu Kyi's mother Daw Khin Kyi. Her funeral in 1989 was attended by more than 100,000 and was a galvanising moment…

  • Sri Kali


    Devoted to the Hindu goddess Kali, this temple was built in 1871 before the flood of Indian migrants came to the city during British colonial rule. It…

  • Sitagu Buddhist Academy


    Set up in 1994 to educate the brightest young monks, this academy is a major intellectual centre for Theravada Buddhism. The centrepiece is a Sanchi-style…

  • Pitaka Taik


    Following the sacking of Thaton, King Anawrahta is said to have carted off some 30 elephant-loads of Buddhist scriptures in 1058 and built this library …

  • Sunset Hill


    For sweeping views across the river and Hsipaw, climb to Thein Daung Pagoda, also known as Nine Buddha Hill or, most often, Sunset Hill. It’s part of a…

  • Bagaya Kyaung

    Myanmar (Burma)

    If you want to squeeze full value out of your Mandalay 'combo' ticket, head to this 1996 concrete-pillared reconstruction of an early 19th-century…

  • Kyanzittha Umin


    Although officially credited to Kyanzittha, this cave temple may actually date back to Anawrahta. Built into a cliff face 270yd southwest of Shwezigon,…

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