Deservedly the country's most popular attraction, this is an outstanding introduction to Bahrain's history, with signage in English and Arabic. It's…
Deservedly the country's most popular attraction, this is an outstanding introduction to Bahrain's history, with signage in English and Arabic. It's…
A 10-minute drive west of Manama, on an ancient tell (mound created by centuries of urban rebuilding), the majestic Bahrain Fort stares out across the…
Manama Souq is a warren of narrow streets and alleyways emanating south from Bab Al Bahrain. Here you can pick up everything from electronic goods and…
The finest collection of ancient Qurans in the region, this wonderful homage to Islam's holiest book displays Qurans from almost every century since the…
This is Bahrain's grand mosque, built as a grand statement in honour of the founder of modern Bahrain, Sheikh Ahmed Bin Muhammad Bin Khalifa, who was…
Beit Sheikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa
Offering a fascinating look at pre-oil life in Bahrain, this building was constructed around 1800 and is one of the finest examples of a traditional house…
The completely restored Riffa Fort was built in 1812 by Sheikh Salman Bin Ahmad Al Fatih, the 19th-century ruler of Bahrain. A classic piece of Bahraini…
There are more than 100,000 Dilmun-era burial mounds scattered across Bahrain, but none come close to the magnificence of these. That A'Ali was an…
Although the Tree of Life's age has now been established, the mystique and allure of this lone, green, desert dweller remains strong. Planted around 1583,…
Close your eyes in this little corner of Manama's historic souq and you would be forgiven for thinking you were in downtown Delhi. The lingua franca is…
Al Bahair Mini Canyon & Wetlands
Unlike any other place in Bahrain, these huge, beautiful, natural rock formations of varying shapes are yellowish in colour and sit right in the middle of…
Al Areen Wildlife Park & Reserve
Ignore the tacky cardboard cutouts of animals leading up to the entrance – this is a great-value day out for the entire family in one of Bahrain's three…
This extensive site boasts a Dilmun-era temple dating to 1900 BC, surrounded by a host of buildings yet to be formally identified. However, the most…
Built in 1992 by Sheikh Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, this mosque is easily identified by its unique minaret, which (unusually for a mosque) also serves as a…
An ancient defence fort built around 1840 to spot invading boats, the Bu Mahir Fort stares out across a bay to the high rises of Manama, making it an…
This grand white stone building, complete with neoclassical pillars, looks odd surrounded by nodding donkeys and sprawling pipelines, but this is where …
This traditional house was built in 1905 on reclaimed land by the Bin Matar pearl trading family, who lived here until 2002. Once surrounded by sea on…
This handsome twin-arched gate is a fitting entrance to Manama Souq. Built by Sir Charles Dalrymple Belgrave, British adviser to the royals, in 1949, the …
This beach won't win any Blue Flag awards for cleanliness, but if you do find yourself this far south, it's a nice enough spot to cool off. The clean,…
Built in 2008, these 240m-high, 50-floor office towers were inspired by the traditional badqeers (wind towers) seen in historic Bahraini homes. They are…
This 200-year-old Hindu temple is the oldest in the Gulf and a testimony to Bahrain's ancient Indian community. Situated down a narrow alley in the heart…
This delightful little mosque is integrated within the Beit Al Quran complex and is open even when the museum isn't. Often overlooked, it has one of the…
The Al Sakhir Tower of the Formula 1 Racetrack rises above the desert like a beacon. If you're visiting Bahrain out of season and want to see what a state…
Cool and welcoming, this little gallery in artsy Adliya hosts work from across the region. Two modest sized rooms, where exhibits are regularly…
This might just be the oldest mosque in Bahrain. It is believed a mosque has stood here since the 8th century, though the current ruins, which include two…
Look out for the giant amphorae and head inwards from the corner of the highway and Ave 42 to explore Bahrain’s most famous pottery district, where…
A complex of three 2nd and 3rd millennium BC temples centred around a freshwater spring believed to be dedicated to the Mesopotamian god of wisdom and…
One of several historic homes in Bahrain restored to their original condition, this one was built in 1907 and is famous as the birthplace of the former…
Throughout the day sea taxis whisk visitors to this little desert island, where there are shallow swimming areas, various day-accommodation options (from…
This government-run centre encourages tourists to visit locals trained in age-old traditional skills like model-boat building and basket weaving. The…
La Fontaine Centre for Contemporary Art
Showcasing regional and international contemporary artists, this beautiful space hosts regular exhibitions. The venue is a magnificent elaboration of a…
Malls have conquered Manama in a big way, but the antidote lies in this earthy vestige of Old Bahrain, located off Lulu Ave. Fruit and veg dominates the…
This mosque, with squat onion domes resting on smooth lines and accentuated curves combining with more traditional local features, has a slightly art deco…
This large, modern mosque is named after the second caliph of Islam and has an architectural style and interior common across the city. There are no…
A traditional house from the pre-oil period, Beit Seyadi once belonged to a pearl merchant. The house, located off Sheikh Isa Ave and closed for…
Bahrain's main fish market kicks off even before the dawn call to prayer, when Manama's fishermen bring their fresh haul into this functional, white tile…
In this house, Muharraq women work to preserve the craft of al korar (gold-thread weaving), which three generations of a local family saved from…
These iconic twin towers, resembling two huge glass slides, belong to the Financial Harbour and are amongst Manama's most distinct examples of modern…
Abdullah Al Zayed House for Bahraini Press Heritage
More than 100 years old, this building was the home of the late Bahraini intellectual and 'father' of Gulf newspapers, Abdullah Al Zayed, who founded the…
There are mosques aplenty in Bahrain, but this tiny, perfectly formed Shia mosque has a wonderfully unusual curved design, providing a modern take on the…