Must-see attractions in Wallonia

  • Domaine Provincial de Chevetogne


    Around 12km north of Rochefort, this 550-hectare park is a wonderland for families. Chevetogne is set with forest trails, a natural-history museum,…

  • Grottes de Hotton

    The Ardennes

    Hidden beneath partly wooded hills 1.7km southwest of Hotton, the Grottes de Hotton are some of Belgium’s most awesome caves. Sculpted grottoes sprout…

  • Grottes de Han


    The Lesse tunnels underground for some 8km to form a magnificent cave system that is the region’s biggest tourist draw. Guided visits (English often…

  • Château de Modave

    The Ardennes

    Few of Belgium’s numerous castles have an interior that beats the memorable Château de Modave. The most arresting of the well-preserved 1673 stucco…

  • Institut Zoologique


    Built in 1888, this palatial building has a deep-eyed bust of Darwin on its central pediment, best spotted from the river-ferry as it approaches the Pôle…

  • Botrange Nature Centre

    The Ardennes

    A possible starting point for hikes, this impressive information centre 200m west of the Eupen–Bütenbach road has a big hooded fire hearth, a cafe serving…

  • Espace Chimay


    Chimay’s world-famous Trappist beers have been brewed since the 1860s at austere Abbaye Notre-Dame de Scourmont, 9km south of Chimay. There are no brewery…

  • Radhadesh

    The Ardennes

    About 4km west of Durbuy, the photogenic Château de Petite Somme is a 13th-century structure with appealing neo-Gothic additions. However, touring the…

  • Brasserie d'Achouffe

    The Ardennes

    Some of the Ardennes’ best beers are brewed by rapidly expanding La Chouffe ('The Gnome'). The name, and hence the cartoon figures on each label, is a…

  • Basilique des Saints-Pierre-et-Paul

    The Ardennes

    This impressive grey stone church has a netting-draped late-Gothic interior with fine 1733 oak choir stalls topped by cross-headed stags. The stag symbols…

  • Archéoforum


    Once one of the greatest churches in northern Europe, St-Lambert’s Cathedral was demolished from 1793 in the aftermath of the Révolution Liégeoise, very…

  • Montagne de Bueren


    Several tiny medieval passageways burrow beneath the house fronts of Rue Hors Château. Most disappear into picturesque hidden yards, but Montagne de…

  • Trésor


    Off the closed-in cloister of Cathédrale St-Paul, the slickly presented three-level Trésor guards many artworks, vestments and chalices rescued from St…

  • Silex's


    Six kilometres southeast of Mons, a peaceful agricultural scene covers what was a major Neolithic flint-mining site. One of the most impressive shafts is…

  • Spa Story

    The Ardennes

    In a 1862 Napoleon III–style building 300m west of Spa's casino, the small but engaging Spa Story museum charts the town's history while looking at the…

  • Dernier Quartier Général de Napoléon


    The farmhouse complex where Napoleon breakfasted the morning of the battle now forms a small museum, accessible on the combined Memorial 1815 ticket. It’s…

  • Maison Gaspar

    The Ardennes

    This grand mansion's main collection celebrates the sculptures of Jean-Marie Gaspar and the photographs of his brother Charles. However, the biggest draw…

  • Ferme Brasserie Mont-Saint-Jean


    This fortified farmhouse was transformed into Wellington's field hospital during the 1815 battle, and was used to treat some 7000 men. A thought-provoking…

  • Euro Space Center

    The Ardennes

    At Junction 23 of the E411, the solar-panel-wrapped Euro Space Center is a family-oriented mix of fun and education. You'll need at least 90 minutes to do…

  • Souterrains


    Between 1659 and 1815 Philippeville was an ultra-fortified enclave of France, completely encircled within the Holy Roman (and later Habsburg) Empire. At…

  • Val-Dieu

    The Ardennes

    Iridescent dragonflies dart and hover over Monet-worthy lake scenes in the gloriously landscaped parkland of this historic rural abbey complex, dotted…

  • Château de Jehay

    The Ardennes

    Like a gingerbread fantasy, this turret-spiked 1550 castle is a fabulous confection of alternating brick and stone rising from an extensive tree-ringed…

  • Église St Martin

    The Ardennes

    St Martin’s was built from 1907 in classic Gothic style and, with its 97m spire, is Arlon’s most eye-catching building. The real attraction is its soaring…

  • Cathédrale St-Paul


    Cathédrale St-Paul's highlights include a big 19th-century painting depicting the legend of St-Lambert's assassination, and the saint's ornate silver…

  • Fort de Huy

    The Ardennes

    The centre of Huy is overshadowed by this indomitable stone fortress, an oppressively dour triangular structure, built by the Dutch between 1818 and 1823…

  • Collégiale Notre-Dame de Huy

    The Ardennes

    From outside, this large Gothic church has an austere aspect, but inside the age-darkened walls and soaring ceilings are brought to life by almost-floor…

  • Musée de la Vie Wallonne


    In an adapted convent-cloister building, this curious museum takes visitors on an amble through the region’s past, exploring everything from 12th-century…

  • Église Collégiale St-Barthélemy


    This large Rhenish-style church has twin Saxon-style towers and a cream-and-cerise exterior. It houses a famous 1118 baptismal font that’s one of the…

  • Parc Animalier


    Sitting on partly covered truck wagons in this enjoyable 75-minute excursion, you’re driven several kilometres past and through woodland and meadow…

  • Musée du Doudou


    Head through the Hôtel de Ville on the Grand Place to reach this museum, dedicated to Mons' riotous Doudou festival. All aspects of this curious event, as…

  • Maison Leffe


    Set in a former convent, this place tells the story of Dinant's most famous creation, Leffe beer, first brewed in the Abbaye de Leffe back in 1240…

  • Abbaye d’Aulne


    With origins in the 7th century, but destroyed post–French Revolution in 1794, this atmospheric monastery is a mixture of picturesque ruins, surviving…

  • Jardins d’Annevoie


    Laid out in 1758 around the manor house of Charles-Alexis de Montpellier, these gardens are a delightful mix of French, Italian and English styles,…

  • Casino

    The Ardennes

    Spa had the 'world’s first’ casino in 1763, and the 19th-century incarnation here now forms part of a grand central trio of neoclassical buildings, along…

  • Musée Communal

    The Ardennes

    Huy's quaint little city museum occupies rooms set off a very picturesque 1669 cloister that's open to visitors even outside official opening hours…

  • Tour Paradis


    At 118m, Tour Paradis is one of Belgium's tallest skyscrapers, a sleekly gleaming sail of blue glass. However, it's full of accountant-bureaucrats who…

  • Mardasson American War Memorial

    The Ardennes

    In a pretty area of woods and fields 1.5km northeast of Bastogne's Pl St-Pièrre, this large WWII memorial is shaped as a circle within a five-pointed star…

  • Château de Chimay


    Off the Grand Place, a stone archway leads to this 15th-century castle, which has been much damaged, altered and renovated over the years. It's the…

  • Musée des Beaux-Arts


    This airy gallery was designed by art nouveau maestro Victor Horta. Though the interior and display halls are in need of a pep-up, it has a rich…

  • Galerie Maurice Pirotte

    The Ardennes

    Even when it's closed, it's still worth seeking out this tiny gallery for its photogenic setting – an old stone house draped with flowers and creepers in…

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