One of the friendliest farms to visit, Sothy is passionate about his product and will gladly elaborate on the history and process behind the 'champagne of…
One of the friendliest farms to visit, Sothy is passionate about his product and will gladly elaborate on the history and process behind the 'champagne of…
The interior of Kep peninsula is occupied by Kep National Park, where an 8km circuit, navigable by foot, mountain bike, or motorbike, begins behind…
If you like the rustic beachcomber lifestyle, Koh Tonsay's 250m-long main beach is for you. This is a place to while away hours or days doing little but…
Past the southern end of Ochheuteal Beach, beyond the Phnom Som Nak Sdach (Hill of the King’s Palace) headland, lies stunning Otres Beach, a seemingly…
South Coast
Occupying the 35km-wide peninsula northwest across the Gulf of Kompong Som from Sihanoukville, this is one of Cambodia's largest and most biodiverse…
South Coast
The twin hills of Phnom Da are spectacularly isolated Mont-St-Michel-style by annual floods, which require guests to arrive via Takeo on a 45-minute open…
Koh Rong
Past the Koh Tuch Beach headland (near Treehouse Bungalows) is Long Set Beach. Walk another half-hour along the sand and encounter little more than hermit…
This is Kep's only proper beach, although it wasn't always that way. In the prewar period, powder-white sand was trucked in from other beaches. This…
About 1.5km southwest of Victory Beach, next to a shady grove, is Lamherkay Beach, also known as Hawaii Beach. Koh Pos (Snake Island), the island 800m…
This 4km-long beach qualifies as Sihanoukville’s main beach, but it's no place to swim these days as the rapid development of high-rise casinos along its…
South Coast
Affording breathtaking views of Vietnam’s pancake-flat Mekong Delta, the cliff-ringed summit of Phnom Bayong (313m) is graced by a 7th-century Chenla…
Phnom Chhnork is a short walk through a quilt of rice paddies from Wat Ang Sdok, where a monk collects the entry fee and a gaggle of friendly local kids…
Phnom Sorsia is home to several natural caves. From the parking area, a stairway leads up the hillside to a gaudy modern temple. From there, steps lead…
Midway between Independence and Serendipity Beaches lies Sihanoukville’s prettiest stretch of sand, 1.5km-long Sokha Beach. Its fine, silicon-like sand…
The Southern Islands
Saracen Bay is an almost impossibly beautiful 2.5km-long crescent of white sand on the island's east coast, lined by two dozen or so resorts. Saracen Bay…
Northwest of Sokha Beach, much of Independence Beach (also known as 7-Chann Beach) has been taken over by a gargantuan new property development, but a…
Not the best beach in town due to the looming backdrop of the Sihanoukville Port development, which has closed off part of Victory Beach. But the part…
Spectacular views of almost every casino (finished and unfinished) in Sihanoukville and gorgeous sunset panoramas await at Wat Leu, situated on a peaceful…
This sprawling organic pepper farm offers free guided walks in French, English and Khmer, explaining how several varieties of pepper are grown, harvested…
The Southern Islands
The large island of Koh Thmei is part of Ream National Park. It was once slated for a major development, including a bridge to the mainland, but as…
South Coast
Tatai Waterfall is a thundering set of rapids during the wet season, plunging over a 4m rock shelf. Water levels drop in the dry season, but you can swim…
Koh Rong
On the west side of the island is Koh Rong's finest beach, a 7km, almost empty stretch of drop-dead-gorgeous white sand. Sok San village at the northern…
Koh Rong
At the easternmost point of the island, this jungle-clad, white-sand cove is roughly two hours from Koh Tuch on foot along the coast or 30 minutes by moto…
This Buddhist temple sits at the foot of Phnom Kompong Trach, a dramatic karst formation riddled with more than 100 caverns and passageways. From the wat,…
Crocodile Protection Sanctuary
South Coast
Some 13km south of Osoam village lies this protected crocodile habit, where about 40 to 60 Siamese crocodiles reside. Visitors have the best chance of…
South Coast
Gentle Kirivong Waterfall is a popular bathing and picnic spot for locals just west of Kirivong. No booming cascade, but plenty of local colour and it can…
Popular with locals, these modest rapids at the end of Tek Chhouu Rd northwest of Kampot are surrounded by food stalls and picnicking platforms. A tuk tuk…
Angkor Borei Archaeological Museum
South Coast
This museum sits a bit east of Angkor Borei's road bridge. Featured inside are locally discovered Funan- and Chenla-era artefacts, including human bones,…
Thanks to their appearance in Pous Keng Kong (The Giant Snake; 2000), one of the most successful Cambodian films of the post-civil-war era, these cascades…
This tiny museum, inside the finely preserved French colonial-era Old Governor's Mansion, traces the history of Kampot and the outlying area. The…
Otres 1 is the first stretch of sand along Otres Beach. It's changing fast as Chinese companies take over from predominantly Western-owned businesses and…
This small and beautifully kept flower-filled garden is home to myriad butterflies. You can cycle or motorbike here – drive about 300m past the Rabbit…
South Coast
A pleasant stroll via a 150m-long, railings-free bridge takes you to the house of Takeo Province’s most notorious native son, Ta Mok – aka ‘The Butcher’ –…
Koh Rong
The wide sweep of Koh Tuch Beach extends for about 1km northeast from Koh Tuch village pier and gets lovelier the further out you go. We do not recommend…
Koh Rong
Named because the island's police station is located here, Police Beach, just south of Koh Tuch, hosts wild all-night parties on Wednesdays and Saturdays,…
This 'beach' has dining platforms and food shacks, but not really any sand as such. It begins a few hundred metres southeast of Kep Beach, just past the…
Kampot Traditional Music School
During set hours, visitors are welcome to observe traditional music and dance training sessions and/or performances at this school that teaches children…
Sitting atop a hill overlooking Kep, this tranquil wat has gorgeous views over the coast. You can take the off-shooting 'Samathi Path' from the main Kep…
The Southern Islands
This idyllic swath of sand is home to just a few resorts that are all quite lovely. It's a 30-minute hike (sneakers necessary) here from Saracen Bay, or…
This very modest Buddhist temple sits at the beginning of a trailhead into Kep National Park that leads past some small pagodas, a nunnery and onto the…