This strollable smorgasbord of stores and restaurants may have your credit cards whimpering for mercy after a couple of hours. Since Kits is now a bit of…
This strollable smorgasbord of stores and restaurants may have your credit cards whimpering for mercy after a couple of hours. Since Kits is now a bit of…
This tree-backed public beach is a popular locals' hangout; they're the ones jogging past in Lululemon outfits. It's also a good spot to unpack a picnic…
This stunning 763-hectare park stretches from Burrard Inlet to the North Arm of the Fraser River, a green buffer zone between the UBC campus and the city…
One of the best ways to commune with nature is to pretend you're a squirrel. While costumes are not required for this cool canopy walkway (you may win a…
A crooked elbow of landscaped waterfront at the neck of False Creek, Yaletown's main green space is sometimes used for free alfresco summer movie…
A flexible three-room space, often with a different show in each, this smart, white-walled gallery exhibits striking, sometimes complex works in a wide…
A small, contemporary, artist-run gallery with a loyal in-the-know following; check out the ever-changing, often abstract shows here, from photography to…
A breathtaking movie-screen simulator ride that makes you feel as if you're swooping across the entire country, waggling your legs over grand landscapes…
Seemingly far from the madding crowds of the Public Market – at least on summer days when every tourist in town seems to be there – this back-alley strip…
A kaleidoscopic mini shopping mall for under-10s (there's even a special child-size entrance door), the Kids Market is crammed with 25 family-friendly…
Recalling Vancouver's 2010 Olympic Winter Games, this handsome waterfront public space is the permanent home of the tripod-like Olympic Cauldron. The…
Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre
The home of the Engine 374 Pavilion, Yaletown's main community gathering space colonizes a handsomely restored heritage railway roundhouse. It offers a…
The Vancouver Art Gallery's outdoor installation space next to the Shangri-La Hotel, the sometimes esoteric but always thought-provoking exhibits here are…
The Drive's grassy alfresco neighborhood hangout is named after the sterling views peeking between its trees: to the north are the looming North Shore…
One of Vancouver's oldest established private galleries, Equinox pioneered this area's arty new credentials by being one of the first big names to move…
An old British canon that was installed in Stanley Park to help locals keep time over a century ago, this near-legendary gun is still fired off at…
Joining its arty, white-walled brethren here in 2013, Monte Clark is well worth a look. Past exhibitors have included photography by local-boy-made-good…
Almost hidden in a quiet corner of Granville Island, this 17m-high pole was erected in 1999 and was carved via the joint efforts of more than 800 people…
One of Stanley Park's biggest lures for kids, this free-use summer-long attraction is the perfect way to cool down on hot days. Jets and pools keep the…
This handsome collection of totem poles clustered at Brockton Point is one of Stanley Park's busiest visitor lures. Arrive early or late on summer days to…
One of the area's top smaller galleries represents a stable of brilliant, newer artists who may be the next big thing. Look out for eye-popping…
A West End park beloved of local dog-walkers, this is also where you'll find the summer-long West End Farmers Market.
Expect your lurching stomach to make a bid for freedom as the glass elevator whisks you 169m to the apex of this needle-like viewing tower in just 40…
Teeming with salty seafaring artifacts, dozens of intricate ship models and a couple of walk-through recreated boat sections, the prize exhibit at this…
Stanley Park's biggest draw is home to 9000 critters – including sharks, wolf eels and a somewhat shy octopus. There's also a small, walk-through…
Morris & Helen Belkin Art Gallery
This ever-intriguing gallery specializes in contemporary and often quite challenging pieces, with chin-stroking new exhibitions opening in its high…
A creative use for a cavernous bank building atrium, this gallery offers a varied roster of temporary exhibitions. It's mostly contemporary art and can…
Built as the home for 2800 athletes during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, this glassy waterfront development became the city's newest…
This main Vancouver branch of one of Canada's biggest bank chains has a huge hidden artwork on its 2nd floor. Head up the escalator just inside the…
The historic naval station located on Stanley Park's Deadman's Island (actually a peninsula) has a long history as both a First Nations' burial ground and…
A chunky wooden structure erected here in 1952 to recognize BC's logging industry; the nearby grassy swathe is an ideal spot for picnics.
Brockton Oval's historic cricket pavilion ensures this pocket of Stanley Park will forever feel like an English country village.
Combining traditional rides and thrill-making coasters, this is Vancouver's main fairground attraction.