Must-see attractions in Brasília

  • Praça dos Trés Poderes


    This square is a focal point of the city design, a synthesis of the ideas of architects Niemeyer and Costa, combining various monuments, museums and…

  • Congresso Nacional


    Featuring photogenic roof ‘dishes’ and twin towers, the Congresso Nacional has one of the more interesting interiors in the city. In addition to the color…

  • Palácio da Alvorada


    The official presidential residence, the Palácio da Alvorada, is a Niemeyer building constructed in 1958. It was the first edifice in the city to be…

  • Palácio do Itamaraty


    Palácio do Itamaraty is home to the Foreign Ministry and one of Brasília's most impressive buildings – a series of concrete arches towering over Burle…

  • Palácio do Planalto


    The Palácio do Planalto, where Brazil's president works, is another Niemeyer design that's worth seeing inside and out. From the curved lines of the…

  • Museu Nacional


    This landmark white dome, gleaming in the sun, was opened to the public on the 100th birthday of architect Oscar Niemeyer. The inside is softer in grays…

  • Santuário Dom Bosco


    Santuário Dom Bosco is made of 80 concrete columns that support 7400 pieces of illuminated Murano glass, symbolizing a starry sky, which cast a blue…

  • Catedral Metropolitana


    The 16 curved ribs rising to the crown of the iconic exterior coupled with the light-filled circular interior, which sits under a dome of wavy stained…

  • Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil


    Brasília’s most important contemporary museum houses temporary exhibitions in two galleries, an indie cinema, a cafe and a bookstore. Buses 0.103 and 103…

  • Vale do Amanhecer


    About 45km east of Brasília, near the satellite city of Planaltina, this religious community was founded in 1959 by a clairvoyant, Tia Neiva. It's really…

  • Templo da Boa Vontade


    The visually striking Templo da Boa Vontade was created by the Legion of Goodwill in 1989 as a symbol of universal solidarity. It incorporates seven…

  • Cidade Ecléctica


    About 63km west of Brasília, near the town of Santo Antônio do Descoberto (Goiás), is the Cidade Ecléctica. Founded in 1956 by Yokanam, who was once an…

  • Museu de Valores


    Numismatists will be interested in visiting this museum in the central bank HQ. A detailed history of Brazilian coins and banknotes – try keeping track of…

  • Parque Nacional de Brasília


    In the northern reaches of the city limits, some 10km from the center, the 30-sq-km Parque Nacional de Brasília is a good place to relax. It has natural…

  • Caixa Cultural


    This bank-run cultural center has several galleries devoted to temporary exhibitions, a sculpture garden, a cafe and theater. The lobby of the main bank…

  • Torre de TV Digital


    A striking sight on the city's northeastern outskirts, particularly at night, Niemeyer's last building (opened 2012) is a 170m digital TV tower that…

  • Torre de TV


    The 75m-high observation deck of the TV Tower gives a decent overview of the city, but it’s still not quite tall enough to really get a sense of the city…

  • Espaço Lúcio Costa


    Down a concealed flight of steps on the praça itself is this museum to the man who designed Brasília. Inside you will find a 170-sq-meter scale map of the…

  • Memorial dos Povos Indígenas


    Opposite the Memorial JK, in a Niemeyer building inspired by the circular form of the indigenous Yanomani hut, is a small but colorful display of…

  • Memorial JK


    Inside this enormous memorial is the tomb of former president Juscelino Kubitschek (JK), which lies underneath eerily beautiful stained glass by French…

  • Pavilhão Nacional


    On the first Sunday of the month the ceremonial changing of Brasília’s tallest and largest flag, a 286-sq-meter banner, takes place on the Pavilhão…

  • Biblioteca Nacional


    The national library was opened in 2008 and yet still seems to be not fully realized. The arcade and grille of the handsome exterior give it a vaguely…

  • Museu da Cidade


    Above the bust of Juscelino Kubitschek on the Praça dos Três Poderes is this mausoleum-like rectangular exhibition hall, only of interest if you read…

  • Teatro Nacional Cláudio Santoro


    The lopped-off pyramid of the Teatro Nacional looks somewhere between a waterslide and a skateboard ramp. Inside, sculptures and a garden adorn the…

  • Palácio da Justiça


    Water cascades between the arches of the Palácio de Justicia into a koi fish pond. Visitors cannot access the interior.

  • Parque da Cidade


    A good park not far from the city center is the Parque da Cidade, which has kiosks to grab a snack.