Must-see attractions in Ulaanbaatar

  • National Museum of Mongolia.

    National Museum of Mongolia


    Mongolia’s wonderful National Museum sweeps visitors from the Neolithic era right to the present day. It’s UB's only genuine blockbuster sight, offering…

  • The Choijin Lama Temple Museum is a Buddhist monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

    Choijin Lama Temple Museum


    This temple museum smack in the middle of downtown Ulaanbaatar was the home of Luvsan Haidav Choijin Lama (‘Choijin’ is an honorary title given to some…

  • View of the Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan, now a museum, located in southern Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

    Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan


    Built between 1893 and 1903, this palace is where Mongolia’s eighth Living Buddha, and last king, Jebtzun Damba Hutagt VIII (often called the Bogd Khan),…

  • Zaisan memorial in the south of Ulaanbaatar.

    Zaisan Memorial


    Built by the Russians to commemorate 'unknown soldiers and heroes' from various wars, the Zaisan Memorial features stirring socialist realism imagery with…

  • Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts


    This fine-arts museum has a superb collection of paintings, carvings and sculptures, including many by the revered sculptor and artist Zanabazar. It also…

  • International Intellectual Museum


    This museum contains an intriguing collection of puzzles and games made by local and international artists. One puzzle requires 56,831 movements to…

  • Gandan Khiid monastery, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

    Gandan Khiid


    Around the start of the 19th century more than 100 süm (temples) and khiid (monasteries) served a population of about 50,000 in Urga (the former name of…

  • Mongolia, Ulan Bator, Sukhbaatar square

    Sükhbaatar Square


    In July 1921 in the centre of Ulaanbaatar, Damdin Sükhbaatar (the ‘hero of the revolution’) declared Mongolia’s final independence from China. A square…

  • Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery


    Sometimes called the Fine Art Gallery, this place contains a large and impressive display of modern and uniquely Mongolian paintings and sculptures, with…

  • Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - August 8, 2018: National Library of Mongolia with statue of Byambyn Rinchen in front of building.; Shutterstock ID 1596873190; your: Barbara Di Castro; gl: 65050; netsuite: digital; full: poi

    National Library of Mongolia


    Mongolia's neoclassical National Library houses the world's largest collection of Buddhist texts, of which a select few are on display within its Museum…

  • ULAANBAATAR, MONGLIA - JULY 2013 - A Beatles monument in the Mongolian capital depicts Paul McCartney with death symbolism alongside the other three members of the band.; Shutterstock ID 169537319; Your name (First / Last): Josh Vogel; Project no. or GL code: 56530; Network activity no. or Cost Centre: Online-Design; Product or Project: 65050/7529/Josh Vogel/ Destination Galleries

    Beatles Square


    The plaza located between the State Department Store and the Circus has an unofficial name – Beatles Square, so named after the monument to the Fab Four…

  • Asral


    Located in the northwest corner of the city, Asral is an NGO and Buddhist social centre that supports impoverished families. Its main aim is to stop…

  • Mongol Costumes Centre


    This place designs and manufactures many of the fabulous dels (traditional coats) that are worn during the Naadam opening ceremony and at other state…

  • National Amusement Park


    Known to almost everyone as the Children’s Park, this small amusement park features a roller coaster, among other rides, games and paddle boats. The…

  • Wildlife Museum


    The Wildlife Museum (formerly known as the Hunting Museum) is on the 2nd floor of the Baigal Ordon (Nature Palace) on the street leading to Gandan Khiid…

  • 976 Art Gallery


    This well-established contemporary art gallery features established and emerging Mongolian artists, along with a small gallery/gift shop. It's run by Ms…

  • Mongolian Artists’ Exhibition Hall


    If you want to see Mongolian art, and perhaps buy some, head into the Mongolian Artists’ Exhibition Hall, on the 2nd floor of the white-marble building…

  • Tasgany Ovoo


    Atop a steep hill, peaceful Tasgany Ovoo is worth a look if you haven't yet seen an ovoo, a sacred pyramid-shaped collection of stones. The views up top…

  • Red Ger Art Gallery


    Red Ger Art Gallery remains one of the city's best for modern artwork by Mongolia's top contemporary painters. There are regular shows, and all artwork is…

  • UB Art Gallery


    This well-curated gallery set in a stylish space exhibits contemporary Mongolian art with regular shows.

  • Badma Ega Datsan


    Belonging to Gandan Khiid, Badma Ega is a small, ramshackle place on a busy intersection. While Badma Ega is the original name for the temple, many know…

  • Mongolia Theatre Museum


    The history of film and theatre in Mongolia is told through photographs and models at this small museum located on the 3rd floor of the Cultural Palace…

  • Dashchoilon Khiid


    Originally built in 1890 and destroyed in the late 1930s, this monastery was partially rebuilt and is now located in three huge concrete gers that once…

  • Bakula Rinpoche Süm


    The Bakula Rinpoche Süm was founded in 1999 by the late Indian ambassador, himself a reincarnated lama from Ladakh. The Rinpoche’s ashes were interred…

  • Dinosaur Museum Hunnu Mall


    This dinosaur 'museum', in an incongruous location within a mall, has displays of a Tarbosaurus bataar and a massive long-necked Opisthocoelicaudia among…

  • National Garden Park


    In the southern part of Ulaanbaatar is the sprawling National Garden Park, a popular place for locals to unwind and get some fresh air after work and on…

  • Ulaanbaatar City Museum


    The Ulaanbaatar City Museum offers a brief but insightful view of Ulaanbaatar’s history through old maps and photos. The most interesting item is a huge…

  • Chinggis Khaan Statue


    The enormous marble construction at the north end of UB's main square was completed in 2006 in time for the 800th anniversary of Chinggis Khaan’s…

  • Chinggis Khan Waxworks Museum


    If you're in the area to visit the cashmere outlets, this Madam Tussauds'–style wax museum is worth a look to see realistic figures of Chinggis Khan,…

  • Stamp Museum


    Well hidden within the Central Post Office, this small stamp museum covers Mongolia's history from 1924 to the current day. Of most interest are the…

  • Blue Sky Tower


    Rising from the ground like a giant shark fin is UB's most recognisable landmark, the Blue Sky Tower. This gleaming blue glass 105m-tall building houses a…

  • Mazaalai Art Gallery


    This commercial gallery is worth a look to check out some contemporary Mongolian art, and possibly to pick up something for the wall back home.

  • Buddha Park


    Buddha Park is harder to appreciate these days since the construction of a high-rise, commercial development that encompasses the 23m-high Sakyamuni…

  • Damdin Sükhbaatar Statue


    The square that bears Damdin Sükhbaatar's name features a statue of him astride his horse. The words he apparently spoke when declaring Mongolia's…

  • Mongolian Stock Exchange


    The white colonnaded building to the southwest of Sükhbaatar Sq is the Mongolian Stock Exchange, which was opened in 1992 in the former Children's Cinema…

  • Wedding Palace


    The large, white square building located just southwest of the Victims of Political Persecution Memorial Museum is called the Wedding Palace. Built in…

  • Central Tower


    Very much symbolic of UB's rise in fortune is the swanky Central Tower, home to luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Armani. As well as retail and…

  • Freedom Square


    In front of the Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs (the former Lenin Museum), Freedom Sq is UB's traditional gathering spot for political rallies and…

  • Khurel Togoot Observatory


    Located atop of Bondkhan Uul (1620m) is this Soviet-era observatory that offers fantastic views over the city. While those into astrology are welcome to…