The 30 best countries, cities and regions to visit in 2025
Apr 11, 2024 • 6 min read
Canada is so vast that limiting your trip to one province or region is a good idea © Jordan Siemens / Getty Images
As a born-and-raised Canadian, I’m often surprised by how little people know about my country.
I’ve been asked what it’s like to live in an igloo. (For the record, I don’t; it rarely snows in Vancouver, which I call home). About the best way to explore the entirety of Canada in a one-week trip. (Since it’s the second-largest country in the world, this would be difficult.) I’ve heard it all.
Which is why I put together this list of things any traveler to Canada should know before their trip.
Canada is big. Like, really big: we’re talking a landmass of nearly 10 million sq km (3.86 million sq miles). The country is home to the second-highest mountain peak in North America (Mt Logan in Kluane National Park, Yukon), not to mention the world’s longest coastline, which meets three oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic.
With 10 provinces, three territories and six time zones, it’s safe to say that Canada is a country that offers endless experiences.
When thinking about visiting to Canada, I’d recommend pinpointing one province or territory to discover. From the lush green forests, coastal beaches and snow-capped ski hills of British Columbia to the vibrant and culturally diverse cities in Ontario to snow-and-ice-covered Nunavut, each region has a unique landscape, culture and people.
But we don’t all speak English, either. Canada is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world.
And while French and English are both official languages in Canada (Québec is the only province where French is the sole official language), there are many regions where people only speak one of the two languages fluently. There are even some regions where neither language is spoken.
Whatever language locals speak, signage and packaging around the country are typically in both English and French – a rule in place since the Official Languages Act came into force in 1969.
In Canada, we have our own special (English) words for everyday items. These are some common examples:
Toque: a knitted hat usually worn in winter
Two-four: a 24-pack of beer
Pablum: a common Canadian name for baby cereal
Freezies: ice pops
Washroom: bathroom or restroom
Clicks: used to refer to kilometers when driving
Canadian tuxedo: denim top and bottom
Tobogganing: sledding in the snow
Canadians measure measured in kilometers, pump gas in liters and express weather forecasts in Celsius. While many other countries do the same, it’s a common assumption that Canada follows the same measurement system as our friendly neighbors to the south. This is a big one for visitors from the USA who use the imperial measurement system. Get used to it.
In a country with such vast geographical reach, the climate ranges substantially. For example, the west coast of British Columbia has a mild climate year-round. It doesn’t always snow during the winter months, and summer temperatures average 22°C (or 71°F).
If you go further north, the temperatures become more frigid: Nunavut sees an average temperature of −20°C (or −3°F) for the entire year. Much of the upper half of Canada only has two seasons, with short summers and long, cold winters with heavy snowfalls and icy temperatures.
Wherever you plan to visit in Canada, be sure to check the climate averages before you go and pack for varied weather – especially on the West Coast, where it rains often.
The First Nations, Métis and Inuit Indigenous Peoples are Canada’s first inhabitants. Canadians recognize and appreciate the importance of the rich and diverse Indigenous cultures, which form not only an essential part of our history but a vibrant part of contemporary Canadian culture today.
Certain terms used to describe original habitants of the land elsewhere in the world may not be acceptable in Canada, so do your research before you arrive to ensure that you don’t use language that may be offensive.
In order to truly enjoy and appreciate Canada, consider adding Indigenous experiences in your travel plans. Indigenous-owned luxury lodges offer immersive cultural experiences; a multi-day guided paddle excursion is another option. Go on hikes through the country’s most stunning, untouched landscapes while learning about the surroundings through a cultural lens. This different approach to your trip will surely leave a lasting impact.
The cliché of the courteous Canadian...is entirely accurate. In Canada, we say “sorry” a lot – and not just when we’ve done something wrong. Also, don’t be surprised if someone holds the door open for you or you receive a friendly “Hello!” from a stranger.
In formal exchanges, “please” and “thank you” abound. Canadians are even courteous on the road, flashing a friendly wave when someone lets you in while changing lanes. Generally, Canadians are friendly and approachable – though there are always exceptions.
From poutine (fries topped with gravy and cheese curds) to beaver tails (hand-stretched fried-dough pastries topped with icing sugar; actual beavers are not an ingredient), Canada has siganture tasty treats that are a must-try.
Other Canadian specialties include bannock (a staple Indigenous bread) and butter tarts (a small pastry tart with a sweet filling).
Certain regions have specialties, too, such as lip-smacking lobster rolls in Nova Scotia, mouthwatering Montréal bagels or the chocolatey Nanaimo bars of Vancouver Island in British Columbia.
Whether dining in a restaurant or getting a new haircut, tipping is customary in Canada, to the tune of 18% of the total bill. Not tipping is considered rude, and people will often tip above the average if they find the service exceptional.
In Alberta, Manitoba and Québec, the legal drinking age is 18, while in the rest of Canada, the legal age to purchase, possess and consume alcohol is 19.
In some provinces, like British Columbia and Ontario, the government is responsible for the distribution and retail sale of alcoholic beverages.
Whether it’s burly black bears and spawning salmon in British Columbia or playful foxes and perky piping plovers in Prince Edward Island, Canada is home to a thrilling range of flora and fauna.
Feeding wildlife is illegal, and there are laws that prevent people from admiring wild animals in close proximity. Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings when exploring nature. If you spot any creatures, keep your distance.
Canada is generally very safe. Strict gun-control laws obtain throughout the country, and crime rates are low. Overall, the police are trusted and respond to calls quickly. Yet despite the country’s reputation, it’s always best to keep your wits about you and proceed with caution, especially when walking through some neighborhoods at night.
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