Must-see attractions in Qinghai

  • Guide National Geological Park


    In the stunning multicoloured clay scenery of Danxia Canyon (丹霞峡谷, Dānxiá Xiágǔ), this geopark offers walking trails in among red and orange hills that…

  • Kanbula National Forest Park


    The desert scenery outside of Tongren comes to a pinnacle in this national park where flaming-red mountains meet the turquoise waters of a reservoir…

  • China Fortune Wheel


    This enormous, gold-plated Tibetan prayer wheel is turned with the aid of rushing water from the Yellow River. The prayer wheel is 27m tall, 10m in…

  • Jyekundo Dondrubling Monastery


    First built in 1398, the Jyekundo Dondrubling Monastery suffered heavy damage from the 2010 earthquake (the main prayer hall was completely destroyed and…

  • Yushu Museum


    This huge and excellent museum is a must-see to put some of the region's history and culture into perspective, including informative and well-presented…

  • Chaka Salt Lake


    Located 25km west of Qinghai Lake past Heimahe, this salt lake is a popular side trip for a stunning optical illusion that occurs between noon and 4pm…

  • Close-up view of Mount Amnye Machen and its 6282m peak of Machen Kangri,   Amdo Tibet Region’s most sacred snow mountain. It's located in Qinghai Province, China. ; Shutterstock ID 2033099978; your: Bridget Brown; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI Image Update

    Mt Amnye Machen


    The 6282m peak of Machen Kangri, or Mt Amnye Machen, is Amdo’s most sacred mountain – it’s eastern Tibet’s equivalent to Mt Kailash in western Tibet…

  • Erlangjian Scenic Area


    The closest Qinghai Lake tourist spot to Xining, this site 150km west of town consists of a Chinese-style sightseeing village backing on to the shores of…

  • Princess Wencheng Temple


    Dedicated to the Tang dynasty Chinese Princess Wencheng, who was instrumental in converting her husband and Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo, to Buddhism in…

  • Youning Monastery


    Well known throughout the Tibetan world, this 17th-century hillside monastery in the Huzhu Tuzu (互助土族, Hùzhù Tǔzú) Autonomous County is considered one of…

  • Kumbum Monastery


    One of the great monasteries of the Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) sect of Tibetan Buddhism, Kumbum Monastery was built in 1577 on hallowed ground – the birthplace…

  • Zhaling & Eling Lakes


    Closed to sightseeing at the time of research, these lakes are the widely accepted source of the Yellow River, and most Chinese tourists drive or hire a…

  • Wútún Sì


    This two-monastery complex is the place to head if you’re interested in Tibetan art. The Upper (Yango) Monastery (吾屯上寺, Wútún Shàngsì) is closest to…

  • Seng-ze Gyanak Mani Wall


    Completely rebuilt after suffering extensive damage in the 2010 earthquake, this site is thought to be the world’s largest mani wall (piles of stones with…

  • Bird Island


    This island (a peninsula, in fact) on China’s largest lake is the breeding ground for thousands of wild geese, gulls, cormorants, sandpipers, extremely…

  • Gomar Gompa


    Across the Gu-chu river valley from Wútún Sì is the mysterious 400-year-old Gomar Gompa, a charming monastery that resembles a medieval walled village…

  • Huzhu Beishan Forest National Park


    If you don't have time to explore further into the province, this exhilarating forest park in the foothills of the Qilian Mountains – at an elevation…

  • Lóngwù Dàsì


    Tongren’s main monastery is a huge and fascinating maze of renovated chapels and monks’ residences, dating from 1301. It’s a superb place to wander and…

  • Gading Gompa


    Nestled on a piece of land within a horseshoe bend in the Dzichu River, Gading makes for one of the most stunning photos you could take in the region. The…

  • Guide City Wall


    Although you cannot climb up upon the earthen wall that encapsulates the old town, you can walk around its perimeter, which makes for a very enjoyable…

  • Naygyama Gompa


    Some 10km south of Nangchen is an atmospheric kora path sitting beside a wide section of the Za Qu River (扎曲), which swells to become the Mekong River…

  • Dana Gompa


    The stunning Dana Gompa is remote and the road out from Nangchen takes you across a valley towards 4000m elevation. Once there, you'll find the province's…

  • Gar Gompa


    Nestled on the ridge of a forested mountain about 70km south of Nangchen is this picturesque monastery. Wildlife is prevalent in the area, including blue…

  • Yushu Earthquake Relief Memorial Hall


    Located behind the Yushu Earthquake Memorial, this poignant museum is dedicated to the relief operation that ensued after the 2010 earthquake that killed…

  • Shuǐ Chē Guǎng Chǎng


    Ignore the rather naff waterwheel at this park and get right to the bank of the Yellow River where you can dip your toes in. During summer, some stalls…

  • Sajiya Gompa


    The most recognisable of the Buddhist monasteries scattered around Nangchen, this one is perched on a hill above town like an old manor and its kora is…

  • Gesar Square


    Alongside one of the tributary rivers of the Chang Jiang, Yushu’s central square is dominated by a colossal statue of King Gesar of Ling, the revered…

  • Drogon Gompa


    This Sakyapa-school monastery is notable for its scary gönkhang (protector temple). Set atop a hill, it is adorned with snarling stuffed wolves and…

  • Regong Square


    The huge Regong Art Museum (热贡艺术博物馆, Règòng Yìshù Bówùguǎn) stands at the eastern end of this lively square at the heart of town. Come at twilight and…

  • Yuhuang Pavilion


    The focal point of Guide’s old town, this small temple complex was built in 1592, and is named after the Yellow Emperor. The complex includes a three…

  • Jiaba Gompa


    This monastery in the centre of Nangchen is where Tibetans, young and old, appear each morning to turn prayer wheels and circumambulate the temple. From…

  • Sebda Gompa


    The main assembly hall at this monastery is impressive, but most surprising is the temple featuring a huge 18m statue of Guru Rinpoche, with smaller…

  • Heimahe


    Heimahe ('Black Horse River') is a necessary evil: an ugly one-street town in between the Erlangjian Scenic Area and Bird Island that caters as a pit-stop…

  • Yushu Earthquake Memorial


    Standing at the entrance to town is the only surviving building from the 2010 earthquake. As it was low season, no guests were staying at the Gesar Hotel …

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