Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina
Spanning over 1520 sq km and containing within it innumerable species of plants and animals, deafening waterfalls and vast, rugged plains, Parque Nacional…
Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina
Spanning over 1520 sq km and containing within it innumerable species of plants and animals, deafening waterfalls and vast, rugged plains, Parque Nacional…
The centerpiece of the Cidade Alta is the Pelourinho, a Unesco-declared World Heritage site of colorful colonial buildings and magnificent churches. As…
This famous 18th-century church, located a few kilometers north of Comércio on the Itapagipe Peninsula, is the source of the fitas (colored ribbons) you…
This excellent nautical museum in Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra contains relics and displays from the days of Portuguese seafaring, plus exhibits on the…
Located about 1.5km outside of the village, Praia da Cueira has a nice stretch of palm-tree-lined beach facing the Atlantic that you'll likely find less…
Holding one of Bahia’s most important collections, the Museu Afro-Brasileiro exhibits wood carvings, baskets, pottery and other artwork and crafts linking…
Take a break from the beach and head into the forest to Vila Rosa, a beautifully restored cocoa farm. Guided tours take visitors around the plantation to…
Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra
Built in 1698, Bahia’s oldest fort is more commonly called the Farol da Barra for the lighthouse (South America’s oldest) within its walls. In addition to…
The beautifully restored, art deco Elevador Lacerda connects the Cidade Alta with Comércio via four elevators traveling 72m in 30 seconds. The Jesuits…
This well-preserved, 18th-century complex served as a transfer point for sugar shipments: legend says it's haunted by the ghosts of murdered slaves. Today…
The extremely worthwhile Tamar Project station, designed to protect endangered sea turtles, is located on the beach next to the church and lighthouse.
The original 1861 Customs House, where slaves were housed when they arrived in Salvador, was partly destroyed in a fire in 1986. After reconstruction, it…
Museu de Arte Moderna has a changing display of avant-garde exhibits (and erratic opening times). The hillside sculpture garden is a pleasant place to…
The history of Praça da Sé reveals intriguing details about Salvador's development. From 1552 to 1933, the square was the site of the grand Sé Primacial…
Picture-perfect Largo do Pelourinho is a sloping, triangle-shaped square, once the site of the pelourinho (whipping post) – one of several nearby…
Karl Heinz Hansen (1915–76) was a German artist who emigrated to Brazil in 1949. He felt such an affinity with his new home that he had his surname…
Literary types shouldn't miss a quick visit to the Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado, offering an overview of the life of one of Brazil’s best-known writers. A…
Parque Nacional Marinho de Abrolhos
Charter a trip to this 913 sq km park, located about 65km from mainland Brazil, to experience the natural splendors of the Atlantic ocean. Flocks of busy…
In its boom times the area was known for tobacco production, the history of which is memorialized at this interpretive center where you can even buy a few…
The story of Salvador's world-famous Carnaval is told through wonderfully evocative archival video and photographs at this museum which opened in 2018…
Dating from 1552, the Castelo was the first great Portuguese edifice in Brazil. Desperate to colonize, the king of Portugal granted lands to merchants,…
Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia
Below the Museu Afro-Brasileiro (one admission ticket gets you into both), the Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia exhibits indigenous Brazilian pottery,…
A colorful intersection of vendors, tourists, capoeiristas and colorful locals, the Terreiro de Jesus is a historic site of religious celebrations, and is…
Leading away from the Pelourinho, the steep Ladeira do Carmo provides access to the Escadas do Carmo, a wide set of steps that were the setting of O…
Igreja da Ordem Terceira do Carmo
The original church, founded in 1636, burnt to the ground; the present neoclassical structure dates from 1828. The nave has a French organ and a baroque…
This lovely two-story mansion houses some of Salvador’s finest decorative art, from the collection of the patrician couple Carlos de Aguiar Costa Pinto…
Igreja e Convento São Francisco
One of Brazil’s most magnificent churches, the baroque Igreja e Convento São Francisco is filled with displays of wealth and splendor. An 80kg silver…
The Casa de Jorge Amado, where the eponymous writer lived with his parents while working on his first novel, has been restored and turned into a lovely…
Just outside of town you'll find the dramatic entrance for this charming coastal park – a long wooden bridge over a buzzing lagoon. Inside the park is a 3…
This church dates to between 1693 and 1754. It has beautiful azulejos (handmade tiles imported from Portugal) and a ceiling painted by Teófilo de Jesus…
For handicrafts made of local wood and stone, clay soaps, and semiprecious jewelry, stop by the beautiful old Mercado Cultural. Perched above the river on…
The Catedral de São Sebastião is the city’s towering icon – construction began in 1931 – and is a unique, eclectic mix of architectural styles. For an…
The Igreja de São Jorge is the city’s oldest church, dating from 1556, and one of the oldest in Brazil in general. After years of neglect it is now under…
Museu de Arte da Bahia showcases works from Bahian artists, with paintings by José Teófilo de Jesus (1758–1817) and drawings by Argentine artist Carybé…
Stop into the headquarters of Olodum for information on percussion workshops and tours (only for small groups, not individual travelers), which include a…
Igreja NS do Rosário dos Pretos
The king of Portugal gave the Irmanidade dos Homens Pretos (Brotherhood of Black Men) the land for the periwinkle-blue Igreja NS do Rosário dos Pretos in…
The Catedral Basílica dates from 1672 and is a marvelous example of Jesuit architecture. The interior is elegant and simple, with marble-covered walls and…
Casa de Cultura Afrânio Peixoto
It's worth stopping in this small museum dedicated to the life and career of Julio Afrânio Peixoto, considered one of Lençós' most accomplished citizens…
After sitting, unused, for almost three years, the 1874 funicular railway Plano Inclinado Gonçalves reopened in 2014. The restored line connects Comércio…
At the Casa da Câmara e Cadeia, organized criminals ran the show upstairs and disorganized criminals were kept behind bars downstairs. The building dates…