Must-see attractions in Liaoning

  • Lushun Prison


    Most visitors to Lushun head straight for the notorious prison that, from 1902 to 1945, housed more than 450,000 war prisoners captured by the Russians,…

  • Tiger Mountain Great Wall

    Tiger Mountain Great Wall


    The Tiger Mountain stretch of the Great Wall, about 20km northeast of Dandong, is an excellent location to get your wall fix, far from the madding crowds…

  • Xingcheng Old City


    This walled city dates back to 1430 and is the principal reason to visit Xingcheng. Under renovation, it's nonetheless an atmospheric place to spend a few…

  • Bingyu Valley


    If you can’t travel south to Guilin, Bingyu Valley offers a taste of what you’re missing. About 250km northeast of Dalian, the valley has tree-covered…

  • Jinshi Tan


    The coast around Jinshi Tan, 50km northeast of the city, has been turned into a domestic tourism mecca with a number of theme parks and rock formations…

  • Broken Bridge


    A pile of mangled steel is an unlikely tourist attraction, but this aftermath of the Korean War is a symbolic reminder of a conflict which has shaped the…

  • Lushun Museum


    The history of Liaoning province is covered in this stylish old museum in two early 20th century buildings. Among the thousands of artefacts on display…

  • Fisherman’s Wharf


    One of the wonders of modern China is its ability to rework certain western aesthetics into a recognisable, and eerily satisfying, contemporary kitsch…

  • Jinjiang Pagoda


    The highest point for kilometres, this pagoda sits atop Jǐnjiāng Shān in the park of the same name. The views across to North Korea are unparalleled and…

  • Xingcheng Beach


    Xingcheng’s beach is clean and calm and provides a welcome respite for travellers on the history trail. Manicured, sandy paths lead from a stack of…

  • Hill 203


    During the Russo-Japanese War, troops fought like wildcats for control of this strategic hill (when you get up the steep path to the top you’ll see why)…

  • Korea Street


    Dandong may sell Korean culture at the river, but this street is the epicentre of South and North Korean daily life in the city. Local Koreans visit the…

  • Zhongshan Square


    This is Dalian’s hub, a 223m-wide square with 10 lanes radiating out from a central roundabout designed by the Russians in 1889. With the exception of the…

  • Fujiazhuang Beach


    At the height of summer, you'll see bathers 20 deep at this pretty pebble beach, which often features in crazy crowds in China photos. It's not always…

  • Soviet Martyrs Cemetery


    The largest cemetery in China for foreign-born nationals honours Soviet soldiers who died in the liberation of northeast China at the end of WWII, as well…

  • Museum to Commemorate US Aggression


    With everything from statistics to shells, this comprehensive museum offers Chinese and North Korean perspectives on the war with the US-led UN forces …

  • Xinghai Square


    This square, which sports some gaudy architecture, is the site of Dalian’s popular beer festival, and is a good place to people-watch, fly a kite or just…

  • Baiyu Shan


    Head to the top of this hill opposite the bus station for panoramic views out to the bay and across the ever-expanding city. The phallic-shaped monument…

  • Yalu Jiang Park


    For views of the border, stroll along the narrow riverfront Yalu Jiang Park, which faces the North Korean city of Sinuiju. You can have your photo taken (…

  • Lushun Railway Station


    Built in 1903 during Russia’s brief control of the area, this handsome station was rebuilt in 2005 following the original design. It’s worth a visit en…

  • Labour Park


    Labour Park is a beautiful, year-round park recognisable for a huge red-and-white soccer ball at its entrance. Locals love to catch the cable car (¥1) up…

  • Xingcheng Drum Tower


    The housing for a huge drum sits slap in the middle of the Old City and has a scant number of ceramics on display but is most popular for the 360-degree…

  • Confucius Temple


    A colourful temple dedicated to the master of learning and education. Built in 1430, this is reputedly the oldest temple in northeastern China.

  • Xingcheng Old City Walls


    These 10m high walls were built in 1428 and are still standing. You can do a complete circuit of the walls in around an hour.

  • Gao House


    The former residence of General Gao Rulian, who is one of Xingcheng’s most famous sons.

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