Xingcheng Beach

Xingcheng’s beach is clean and calm and provides a welcome respite for travellers on the history trail. Manicured, sandy paths lead from a stack of seafood vendors to a boardwalk and pagoda hanging over the gently swirling sea.

Bus 1 (¥1) travels from the bus station through Xinghai Lu to the beach (9km from the city centre) in about 30 minutes. A taxi to the area costs ¥15 to ¥20.

Beach-goers who prefer grass can set up in a well-kept park near the shoreline. Popular with swimmers in summer, the waters freeze for part of the year.

At the entrance, look for a statue honouring Juhua Nu (the Chrysanthemum Woman). According to local legend, she changed herself into an island to protect Xingcheng from a sea dragon. This island, Juhua Island (菊花岛; Chrysanthemum Island), lies 9km off the coast and is home to a fishing community, a small beach and a couple of temples. Daily ferries leave from the northern end of the beach, though frequency drops outside summer.

In colder weather the beach area is an icy ghost town and it can be difficult to even find a place to eat. Still, it's a peaceful place to explore if properly attired.