A wild stretch of golden sand that's framed by rough headlands and punctuated by magnificent rock formations standing defiant in the shallows against the constant pounding of the waves. The waters here are not suitable for swimming.

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Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
10.64 MILES
A somewhat hidden gem that is the antithesis of its American namesake. Small, shady and intimate, it's well removed from the often frenetic south-coast…
6.19 MILES
St Nicholas Abbey is a Jacobean-style mansion that is one of the oldest plantation houses in the Caribbean and a must-see stop on any island itinerary…
10.12 MILES
On the north side of National Heroes Sq are two stone-block, neo-Gothic-style buildings constructed in 1871. The western building with the clock tower…
8.78 MILES
Well off the beaten track, the pint-sized Shark Hole is one of those special places for which your selfie will not do justice. Down a short flight of…
8.43 MILES
On an island blessed with beautiful stretches of sand, Bottom Bay is up there with the best. With translucent turquoise waters framed by rocks and…
10.64 MILES
The largest beach in the area, Rockley is a picture-perfect crescent of sand. Backed by shade trees, there’s moderate surf. The new boardwalk allows you…
10.62 MILES
About 2km south of central Bridgetown and inland from Carlisle Bay, the Garrison is part of the World Heritage area and was the home of the British…
10.67 MILES
Just west of the Barbados Museum is a place that can truly claim that the great man slept here. After decades of research and debate, it was finally shown…
Nearby Barbados attractions
0.73 MILES
The island's original botanic gardens, this lovely spot has two exploratory paths that wind their way through a wide collection of tropical plants,…
0.97 MILES
The reason to come to this remote Atlantic facility Is more about the beach below than the park itself, which is really just a collection of picnic tables…
2.38 MILES
Fronted by a sliver of sand, this little village is about as local as you get. It has a combined bar/restaurant, a shop and some picnic tables – that's it…
2.48 MILES
These gardens at the home of famed local horticulturalist Anthony Hunte already have a magical aura. Set mostly within the confines of a collapsed cave,…
3.09 MILES
Covering 53 acres of the interior of the island, this small private nature reserve contains tracts of forest that protect some of the tallest native palms…
3.11 MILES
A 20-hectare botanic garden on the site of a former sugar estate that has many stately, mature citrus and breadfruit trees as well as a fine range of…
3.53 MILES
This wonderful long and remote stretch of golden sand is usually totally empty. It is one of the few places on this coast where it's safe to swim, thanks…
4.18 MILES
Once part of a large estate that covered the area, this National Trust property contains some rare tracts of original Barbados tropical rainforest,…