At the northeastern end of town, watched over by a whale-skeleton sentry, this stone-and-glass swirl of a building is part aquarium and part interpretation centre for the offshore marine environs of the Parc Nacional Marítim-Terrestre de l'Arxipèlag de Cabrera. Free and fascinating, your visit to 18 aquariums and over 70 species ends with a climb up a spiral ramp that wraps around an extraordinary mural by Miguel Mansanet, based on 16th-century Mallorcan maps of the Mediterranean.
Centro de Visitantes Parque Nacional de Cabrera
Southern Mallorca
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
25.52 MILES
Originally an Islamic fort, this mighty construction opposite the cathedral was converted into a residence for the Mallorcan monarchs at the end of the…
25.45 MILES
Palma’s vast cathedral ('La Seu' in Catalan) is the city's major architectural landmark. Aside from its sheer scale, treasures and undoubted beauty, its…
25.54 MILES
This house, palatial by any definition, was one of several residences of the phenomenally wealthy March family. Sculptures by 20th-century greats,…
25.83 MILES
Built with flair and innovation into the shell of the Renaissance-era seaward walls, this contemporary art gallery is one of the finest on the island. Its…
25.53 MILES
The 17th-century Can Gallard del Canya, a 17th-century mansion overlaid with minor Modernist touches, now houses a small but significant collection of…
26.48 MILES
The Catalan artist Joan Miró lived and worked at this beautiful hilltop compound, now a major museum celebrating his life and work. Miró's friend, the…
23.2 MILES
Over-visited, probably overpriced, the Coves del Drac are by no means overrated. Of all Mallorca's accessible cave complexes, this is the least…
Santuari de Nostra Senyora de Cura
14.95 MILES
This gracious monastery stands atop the 548m hill of Puig de Randa. Like most monasteries, it was built partly for defensive purposes, though the views…
Nearby Southern Mallorca attractions
1.41 MILES
This broad stretch of white sand is lapped by clear, shallow waters, and looks across to a scattering of small islands. Nudism is allowed.
Platja des Trenc, the largest undeveloped beach on Mallorca, runs 2km northwest from the southern edge of Colònia de Sant Jordi. With long stretches of…
2.93 MILES
This 200m sweep of pale, silky sand and gin-clear water forms part of the Reserva Marina del Migjorn de Mallorca (a protected marine reserve), so no…
4. Poblat Talaiòtic dels Antigors
3.16 MILES
About 1km south of Ses Salines (follow the signposts off the road to Colònia de Sant Jordi) is this neglected archaeological site. There's no visitors'…
3.95 MILES
Just outside Ses Salines is Botanicactus, Mallorca's largest botanical garden. Not just given over to cacti, its 15 hectares bristle with palms, bamboo…
4.42 MILES
The main attraction at this ostrich farm is the chance to see, stroke and feed the birds, which kids will love; they're also active at night. Meals …
4.68 MILES
Follow the Ma6110 highway 9km south of Llombards to reach the Cap de Ses Salines, a beautiful bluff on Mallorca's southernmost tip with a lighthouse (Far…
8. Cova des Pas de Vallgornera
In Vallgornera (3km east of Cala Pi), half a dozen caves burrow their way through the rock underfoot. Some are truly impressive, with underground rivers…