This grandiose complex was founded in 1656 near the picturesque Istra River (renamed the ‘Jordan’ by Patriarch Nikon). Unlike other Moscow monasteries, this one had no military use. The centrepiece is the Cathedral of the Resurrection (Воскресенский собор), modelled after Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre. After years as a museum, the monastery is now in Orthodox hands and is looking quite spectacular after a recent renovation.
Like its prototype, the Cathedral of the Resurrection is really several churches under one roof, including the detached Assumption Church (Успенский церковь) in the northern part of the cathedral. Here, pilgrims come to kiss the relics of the holy martyr Tatyana, the monastery’s patron saint.
The unusual underground Church of SS Konstantin & Yelena (Константино – Еленинская церковь) has only its belfry peeping up above the ground. Patriarch Nikon was buried in the cathedral, beneath the Church of John the Baptist (церковь Иоанна Предтечи).