Must-see attractions in Israel

  • Gan Meir Park

    Tel Aviv

    To escape the city pace, head to Gan Meir Park, on the western side of King George St, where dog walkers release their four-legged friends in a specially…

  • Chelouche Gallery

    Tel Aviv

    Enjoy striking exhibitions from a range of contemporary art luminaries at this gallery set in the neoclassical 'Twin House', a 1920s building with two…

  • Old Jaffa Visitors Centre

    Tel Aviv

    Sometimes called 'Jaffa Tales', this small visitor's centre is actually an archaeological excavation site in a chamber underneath Kedumim Sq. Here, you…

  • Christ Anglican Church


    Consecrated in 1871, this solidly built stone church was only the second Anglican church to be constructed in the Holy Land (the first was in Jerusalem);…

  • Nisco Museum

    North Coast

    This offbeat collection of mechanical music instruments was assembled by New York–born Nisan Cohen, who's happy to play records from his Yiddish music…

  • Immanuel Church

    Tel Aviv

    This small but charming German Templer church, now Lutheran, dates from 1904. Its fine organ is used for concerts. Completely unlike anything else in Tel…

  • Atlit

    North Coast

    With brown-sugar sand and stiff breezes, Atlit is graced by good waves – but it's a shame about the backdrop of pylons and cranes (gaze towards the ruined…

  • Metzitzim Beach

    Tel Aviv

    Named after a 1972 comedy film, Hof Metzitzim (which – uncharacteristic of the beach itself – translates as the sleazy 'Peeping Tom Beach') is actually a…

  • St Peter’s Monastery

    Tel Aviv

    The most prominent building in Jaffa, this beautiful cream-painted Franciscan church was built in the 1890s on the ruins of the Crusader citadel and is…

  • Frishman Beach

    Tel Aviv

    Frishman Beach is perhaps the widest stretch of sand in Tel Aviv. There's plenty of space on the sand and good access to the swimming area. It's located…

  • Cave of the 40 Holy Monks


    Under the compound of the Greek Orthodox Bishopric, this network of caves is named after 40 monks believed to have been martyred here by the Romans in the…

  • Louis Promenade


    A 15-minute walking path running parallel to Yefe Nof St, Louis Promenade offers lofty views over Haifa Bay and connects to other trails that thread their…

  • Ein Hod Gallery

    North Coast

    A good intro to Ein Hod's artistic community is this gallery of local sculptures and paintings. The exhibition space dates to 1953, when the creative…

  • Studio Magal

    North Coast

    Ceramics (including Judaica), mosaics and expressionist paintings (oil and watercolour), the latter by Ben-Tzion Magal (1908–99).

  • Moskubiya


    Built in 1904 as a Russian pilgrims hostel, this imposing structure now houses a police station.

  • Luna Park

    Tel Aviv

    This theme park makes for a fun, though noisy, day out for families. Rides range from the white-knuckle Black Mamba rollercoaster to gentler fairground…

  • Crusader Castle

    North Coast

    The wreck of a once-imposing Crusader castle, known in Latin as Castrum Pergrinorum and in French as Château Pèlerin (Pilgrims’ Castle), sits on a…

  • Old Railway Station

    Tel Aviv

    Once the terminus of the Jerusalem–Jaffa train line, this station near the southern end of the beachfront promenade operated between 1892 and 1948 and was…

  • HaPisgah Gardens

    Tel Aviv

    This pleasant grassy knoll has a panoramic view of the Tel Aviv seafront as its backdrop. The small amphitheatre in the centre of the park hosts free…

  • Haganah Museum

    Tel Aviv

    Splendidly located on Rothschild Blvd, this museum chronicles the formation and activities of the Haganah, the paramilitary organisation that was the…

  • Meir Dizengoff Statue

    Tel Aviv

    A simple bronze statue of Meir Dizengoff on horseback, Tel Aviv's founding mayor, sits in front of Independence Hall – Dizengoff's former home and where…

  • Superland


    Spread over 20 acres, Superland is a newer and much larger theme park than its Tel Aviv branch, Luna Park. If travelling with children, it's worth taking…

  • Palmach Museum

    Tel Aviv

    The story of the Palmach, from its establishment in 1941 until the end of the Arab–Israeli War of 1948, is the focus of this multimedia museum. Starting…

  • Ilana Goor Museum

    Tel Aviv

    Built in the 18th century, this imposing stone building just south of Kedumim Sq originally served as a hostel for Jewish pilgrims arriving at Jaffa and…

  • Hassan Bek Mosque

    Tel Aviv

    Built in 1916 by Jaffa’s Ottoman governor of the same name, this white limestone mosque built on the border of Tel Aviv and Jaffa has always had symbolic…

  • Three Circles Sculpture

    Tel Aviv

    An icon on Habima Sq, this looming, minimalist steel sculpture by Menashe Kadishman (1932–2015) was constructed from 1967 to 1976 to address the economic…

  • Planetanya


    Planetanya is part of the recently-opened Madarame Centre for Science, Space and Culture. Besides the planetarium and its space films, it also has…

  • Great Mosque


    Though it doesn't look particularly impressive from the outside, this is one of the few Crusader buildings in Israel to have survived almost completely…

  • Andromeda’s Rock

    Tel Aviv

    Beyond the sea wall is a cluster of blackened rocks, the largest of which is named after the goddess Andromeda. According to Greek mythology, Andromeda…

  • Rishon LeZion Museum


    The quaint historic museum is housed in a collection of period buildings that lend insight into the pioneer spirit that drove the early Zionist immigrants…

  • White Tower


    Experts can't agree whether this 14th-century tower was built as a minaret or a watchtower. One indisputable fact is that the 30m-high structure was built…

  • Ramla Museum


    Housed in a building dating from the British Mandate, this small museum provides an overview of the town’s history. Exhibits include locally excavated…

  • Founders Monument

    Tel Aviv

    On the south end of Rothschild Blvd is this monument and fountain that commemorates the 66 families who won the lottery for Tel Aviv's founding plots…

  • Clock Tower

    Tel Aviv

    Not quite Big Ben, this Ottoman clock tower was funded by residents to mark the 25th anniversary of the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II (1876–1909). The…

  • Al Jarina Mosque


    A few hundred metres east of Paris Sq is the late 18th-century Al Jarina Mosque, topped by an early-20th-century minaret that looks a little like a…

  • Zoo


    The shaded slopes below Gan Ha'Em are home to a compact zoo with free-roaming peacocks, an aviary, a reptile house and habitats for monkeys, meerkats,…

  • Aqueduct

    North Coast

    Built by Al Jazzar around 1780 and reconstructed in the early 19th century, this Ottoman aqueduct once supplied Akko with water from the Galilee uplands…

  • Mahmoud Mosque


    Serving Haifa's Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, founded in India in 1889, this mosque is on the Mediterranean-facing slopes of Mt Carmel in the palm-lined…

  • Shalom Tower

    Tel Aviv

    This huge tower, the first skyscraper in Israel opened in 1965, is one of Tel Aviv's major landmarks and a notable part of its skyline. It has permanent…

More destinations you need to see