If you'd ever wanted a map to show you all the rudest sounding place names from across Britain, then your wish may finally have been granted.

Silly gastronomically named places in the UK
Silly gastronomically named places in the UK

Strumpshaw, Tincleton, and Giggleswick is the company behind a series of seriously silly maps that show off the UK's inclination for very odd names. Well researched and beautifully crafted, these maps depict place names that include the word 'bottom' -  "from Scratchy Bottom in Dorset to the Loch of Bottoms in the Shetland Islands, Great Britain is strewn with Bottoms".

The ridiculousness extends itself to gastronomically themed place names such as Teapot and Greedy Gut, and as the map purveyors say on their website,  "Not only is the Slightly Overcooked Map of Tasty British Place Names a mouth-watering visual feast, but also delightfully entertaining and - dare we say it - educational, a kind of cartographical amuse-bouche that will tickle the taste buds and whet the appetite for some adventure around our green and pleasant land."

Bottom-themed place names from Strumpshaw, Tincleton, and Giggleswick
Bottom-themed place names from Strumpshaw, Tincleton, and Giggleswick

For those without a preference who are interested in anything at all that makes you giggle, there's a map with generic and combined silly place names that includes the likes Paplord, Assington Thicks and Clenchwarton.

Illustrated maps have been experiencing something of a revival in popularity, becoming a common feature  on people's walls as well as a popular feature in magazines. But Strumpshaw, Tincleton, and Giggleswick are more into the plain fun of it all.

Generic silliness across the UK
Generic silliness across the UK

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