The crumbling stone city walls were once 4km long and studded with 187 towers and four gates. Of these, only the overly restored Aleppo Gate, near the new part of town, remains.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
25.64 MILES
Around 11km northeast of Urfa, 'Pot Belly Hill' was first excavated in 1994 by a team led by Professor Klaus Schmidt. Their discovery of a ritual complex…
23.83 MILES
Legend claims that the Prophet Abraham (father of the three major monotheistic religions) was confronted by Nimrod, the local Assyrian king, while…
24.27 MILES
Şanlıurfa's spectacular archaeology museum is one of the best in Turkey. The region's cultural heritage is displayed across three levels covering a time…
23.78 MILES
Dive into Urfa's bazaar alleys to find stalls selling everything from sheepskins and pigeons to jeans and handmade shoes. It was largely built by Süleyman…
23.79 MILES
Southeast of Gölbaşı is the Dergah mosque complex, Urfa's major pilgrimage destination. From the gate, you enter the colonnaded courtyard in front of the…
23.77 MILES
Urfa's fortress on Damlacık hill, from which Abraham was supposedly tossed, has good city views, but there's not much to see at the actual site. On the…
24.12 MILES
This domed structure protects the excellent Haleplibahçe (Aleppo Gardens) mosaics, part of a Roman villa complex discovered in 2006 when construction…
19.64 MILES
About 18km north of Şuayb City, the isolated village of Soğmatar is very atmospheric and is home to the most interesting ruins in the area. Sacrifices…
Nearby attractions
0.25 MILES
The ruins of the 8th-century Ulu Cami, built by Marwan II, last of the Umayyad caliphs, is Harran's most prominent historic site. You'll recognise it by…
0.43 MILES
On the far (east) side of the hill, Harran's crumbling kale (castle) stands right by some beehive houses. Fortifications probably already existed here…
0.55 MILES
This modern beehive house complex is a popular stop for domestic tour buses. Inside, the rooms are decked out in traditional style while the walled…
10.95 MILES
About 20km east of town, the impressive Bazda Caves (signed 'Bazda Mağaları') are supposed to have been used to build the walls of Harran.
14.68 MILES
About 6km east of the Bazda Caves are the remains of the Seljuk Han el Ba'rur, a caravanserai built in 1128 to service the local trade caravans.
19.44 MILES
Around 12km northeast of Han el Ba'rur are the extensive remains of Şuayb City, where hefty stone walls and lintels survive above a network of…
19.64 MILES
About 18km north of Şuayb City, the isolated village of Soğmatar is very atmospheric and is home to the most interesting ruins in the area. Sacrifices…
23.76 MILES
This small cave in the southern side of the Dergah Complex is one of Turkey's most important pilgrimage sites. It's believed by many Muslims to be the…