Built in 1861 at the behest of the Greek community, the interior of Vienna’s main Greek Orthodox church is a glittering blaze of Byzantine designs. A ceiling fresco depicting the prophets surrounded by swirls of gold is augmented by a high altar of 13 panels – each of which features sparkling gilding – and a doorway to the inner sanctum.
Griechenkirche zur Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
0.67 MILES
Vienna's foremost opera and ballet venue, the neo-Renaissance Staatsoper, is one of the finest concert halls in the world. Even if you can't get tickets…
0.26 MILES
Vienna’s Gothic masterpiece Stephansdom – or Steffl (Little Stephan), as it’s ironically nicknamed – is Vienna's pride and joy. A church has stood here…
0.94 MILES
Vienna's neo-Gothic City Hall, completed in 1883 by Friedrich von Schmidt (who designed Cologne Cathedral) and modelled on Flemish city halls, with lacy…
The great composer spent close to three happy and productive years at this residence between 1784 and 1787. Exhibits include copies of music scores and…
The MuseumsQuartier is a remarkable ensemble of museums, cafes, restaurants and bars inside former imperial stables designed by Fischer von Erlach. This…
0.62 MILES
The Hofburg's Kaiserliche Schatzkammer contains secular and ecclesiastical treasures (including devotional images and altars, particularly from the…
0.59 MILES
Once used as the Habsburgs' imperial apartments for guests, the Albertina is now a repository for an exceptional collection of graphic art. The permanent…
0.88 MILES
Built between 1716 and 1739, after a vow by Karl VI at the end of the 1713 plague, Vienna's finest baroque church rises at the southeast corner of…
Nearby Vienna attractions
Greek merchants settled around Fleischmarkt from about 1700, which gradually became known as the Griechenviertel (Greek quarter). Today it has some…
Opposite Dr-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz is the Jesuitenkirche, formerly the university church, which dates from 1627. In 1703 this church received a baroque…
3. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
0.11 MILES
The Austrian Academy of Sciences opens to the public only for events, such as German-language seminars on the role of women in journalism on the eve of…
0.12 MILES
Formerly known as Universitätsplatz (University Square), this was once the heart of Vienna’s old university quarter. Today, the Austrian Academy of…
0.13 MILES
Vienna's oldest baroque church (consecrated in 1634) is largely the work of Italian architects and artisans, with a spacious interior adorned with white…
0.14 MILES
Vienna’s main synagogue, seating 500 people, was completed in 1826, after Toleranzpatent reforms by Joseph II in the 1780s granted rights to Vienna’s Jews…
0.14 MILES
The marble-cased and metal-'studded' Post Office Savings Bank building is the Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) work of Otto Wagner, who oversaw its construction…
0.17 MILES
Vienna's oldest church is believed to date from 740. The lower levels of the tower date from the 12th century, the roof from the 15th century and the iron…