The 30 best countries, cities and regions to visit in 2025
Oct 25, 2019 • 5 min read
World Naked Bike Ride events embrace body positivity © Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images
More and more people, it seems, are discovering the joy of naked freedom. Shedding your clothes and baring all is the ultimate de-stressor and while many people get naked on remote nude beaches or travel to a foreign nudist resort, it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to get the same liberating buzz. There are many events around the globe where you can remove your clothes without the high costs. Here’s our list of top nude events from around the globe.
Since its inception in 2003, World Naked Bike Ride's focus has been on reducing our dependence on cars while emphasizing the vulnerability of cyclists and promoting body acceptance. But what started as a protest, feels more like a carnival nowadays.
Increasing public and media interest has seen the WNBR expand to 70 cities in 20 countries around the globe – from Australia to the US, Brazil to the UK – with more cities hosting their own rides each year.
Although the event is a “naked” bike ride, nudity is not mandatory; in fact, “Bare as you Dare” is the guiding principle here. Many riders sport creative body paint, some ride topless others au naturel. Although the event is nude, getting to and from the venue requires you to be dressed so be sure to take a backpack to keep your clothes handy.
Participation varies depending on location and weather; only half a dozen showed up in Cape Town in 2008 but 10,000 got on their bikes in Portland in 2015. A typical WNBR event is in the hundreds. The next rides are scheduled for July 2020 (northern hemisphere) and March 2020 (southern hemisphere.)
If you prefer foot power to pedal power, check out the 7.46-mile (12km) run from San Francisco Bay through downtown and ending at the breakers on the ocean coast.
The annual Bay to Breakers race takes place on the third Sunday in May (May 15, 2020). Although this is a sponsored event with world-class athletes competing, it’s also something of a large fete with many of the 70,000 or so runners, joggers and walkers sporting costumes or participating nude.
If the idea of running naked through a major downtown city with 80,000 spectators cheering you on appeals to your sense of adventure, signup and snag local accommodation early – the event sells out quickly.
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Spencer Tunick is an American photographer renowned for shooting “human installations” – large groups of naked people typically in the middle of a large city.
From Iceland to Russia, Australia to the UK and many states across the USA, Tunick has been shooting installations for 25 years. You'll have to get up very early and likely be cold for a while, but it’s a unique opportunity to get naked with hundreds of other like-minded strangers for a few hours in the name of art.
Register on Tunick’s website to get on the list for an upcoming shoot.
Water lovers, this is the event for you.
The American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) declared the second Saturday of July (typically the last Sunday at the end of National Nude Recreation Week) International Skinny Dip Day. Organized events take place at numerous nudist resorts and nude beaches across North America and Europe, check the AANR website for locations.
If you can't get to an organized event, make July 11, 2020 the day to lose your swimsuit and inhibitions in your backyard pool or a secluded spot in a river or lake.
Every year, thousands of people gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert to create – and then remove – a temporary city in a collaborative expression of creativity, art and self-expression. It’s not a festival per se, more of an experience which you create by connecting with yourself and others.
It’s an opportunity to be as free as you please so if being nude for a week is your thing, go for it. Nobody will bat an eyelid as others will be topless, naked or clothed – here it’s live and let live. Early purchase of tickets is advisable. Next year’s event is August 30 – September 7 2020.
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We’re all quite familiar with the annual Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, but there’s a more sedate and far safer event that takes place on the same route two days before.
The Running of the Nudes (well actually it’s more a stroll) is a march to protest cruelty to animals in general and bullfighting, specifically. The marchers are naked save for many wearing plastic horns or a red scarf. So if you feel strongly about such causes, lose your clothes, put on your plastic horns and be sure to show up on the right day.
A growing number of naturist resorts are organizing annual 5K races throughout the summer.
As the popularity of these events has spread, races now attract serious runners who, in many cases, are going nude for the first time. The races have gotten so official they’re advertised in running magazines. The 5K is a great way to try social nudity while doing something enjoyable. And guys, no – it doesn’t hurt to run naked and ladies, if you need to wear a bra to run – do so.
Races are usually “clothing optional” and take place within the grounds of a nudist club or resort so the only spectators will be people there for the same reason as the runners – to enjoy life naturally. Most resorts allow participants to stay for the remainder of the day and enjoy the facilities.
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