Must-see attractions in Buenos Aires

  • Museo Mitre

    Buenos Aires

    This museum is located in the colonial house where Bartolomé Mitre – Argentina’s first legitimate president elected under the constitution of 1853 –…

  • Museo de Armas

    Buenos Aires

    This maze-like museum, in the basement of Palacio Paz, exhibits a frighteningly large collection of over 3500 bazookas, grenade launchers, cannons,…

  • Museo de la Policía Federal

    Buenos Aires

    This quirky and extensive police museum displays a whole slew of uniforms and medals, along with ‘illegal activities’ exhibits (cockfighting and gambling)…

  • Museo Beatle

    Buenos Aires

    Located in the Paseo La Plaza complex, this museum claims to be the only Beatles museum in South America. It showcases the Beatles memorabilia of owner…

  • Templo Libertad

    Buenos Aires

    Located at the at the northeastern end of Plaza Lavalle, Argentina’s oldest and largest synagogue can be identified by the Jewish symbols that adorn the…

  • Edificio Libertador

    Buenos Aires

    Towering above the Casa Rosada, just south of Parque Colón on Av Colón, is the army headquarters at the Edificio Libertador, the real locus of Argentine…

  • Ministerio de Economía

    Buenos Aires

    In June 1955 Argentine naval aircraft strafed Plaza de Mayo in the first step of a military coup, killing more than 300 civilians who were gathered in…

  • Museo del Agua y de la Historia Sanitaria

    Buenos Aires

    If you like quirky museums, check out the small Museo del Agua y de la Historia Sanitaria on the 1st floor of Palacio de las Aguas Corrientes; it’s full…

  • Torre Monumental

    Buenos Aires

    Standing prominently across from Plaza San Martín, this 76m-high clock tower was a donation from the city’s British community in 1916 and built with…

  • Banco de la Nación

    Buenos Aires

    The main branch of the Banco de la Nación (1944) is the work of famed architect Alejandro Bustillo, who considered the building to be his best work – he…

  • Palacio de Justicia

    Buenos Aires

    Occupying an entire city block overlooking leafy Plaza Lavalle, this beautiful beaux-arts structure is home to the Supreme Court, and was built in stages…

  • Museo Mundial del Tango

    Buenos Aires

    Located below the Academia Nacional del Tango is this small museum. Just a couple of large rooms are filled with tango memorabilia, from old records and…

  • Monumento a los Caídos de Malvinas

    Buenos Aires

    On the downhill side of Plaza San Martín you’ll see the Monumento a los Caídos de Malvinas, a memorial to the 649 soldiers who died in the Falklands War …

  • Museo Participativo de Ciencias

    Recoleta & Barrio Norte

    This hands-on science museum designed with children in mind has interactive displays with plenty of levers to pull and buttons to press. A great place for…

  • Museo Criolla de los Corrales

    Buenos Aires

    This dusty little museum has exhibits on gaucho life and the history of the meat-packing area of Mataderos. It's worth a stop if you are in the…

  • Palacio Haedo

    Buenos Aires

    On an odd triangular block at the corner of Florida and Santa Fe, the neo-Gothic Palacio Haedo was the mansion of the Haedo family at the turn of the 19th…

  • Monumento a los Dos Congresos

    Buenos Aires

    Inaugurated in 1914, this monument commemorates two of the first congresses of the independent Republic of Argentina: the assembly of 1813 and the…

  • Basílica de Santísimo Sacramento

    Buenos Aires

    In the shadow of the Kavanagh building is this French-style church built by the Anchorena family in 1916. Inside, check out the original tiled floor,…

  • Observatorio Astronómico

    Buenos Aires

    This observatory offers one-hour telescopic stargazing sessions. Call or check the website before your visit, as observation hours change depending on the…

  • Iglesia San Ignacio de Loyola

    Buenos Aires

    The city’s oldest church, the Iglesia San Ignacio de Loyola (1734), was originally built in adobe in 1661 and has been rebuilt or remodeled several times…

  • Carlos Gardel Statue

    Buenos Aires

    The Abasto neighborhood was once home to tango legend Carlos Gardel, and on this cobbled street off Av Anchorena is a statue of the singer.

  • Escuela Presidente Roca

    Buenos Aires

    Inaugurated in 1903, this neoclassical, temple-like building with gray, granite columns is actually a public primary school.

  • Museo de la Ciudad

    Buenos Aires

    This small museum was closed for ongoing renovations at the time of research, but in the future you should expect exhibitions on porteño life and history…

  • Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires

    Buenos Aires

    This public high school established in 1863 is one of Argentina's most prestigious and counts four former presidents among its alumni.

  • Facultad de Ingeniería

    Recoleta & Barrio Norte

    This neo-Gothic building (1912), designed by Uruguayan architect Arturo Prins, is an architectural landmark.

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