Must-see attractions in León

  • Iglesia de la Recolección


    Three blocks north of the cathedral, the 1786 Iglesia de la Recolección is considered the city’s most beautiful church, a Mexican-style baroque confection…

  • Museo de Arte Fundación Ortiz-Gurdián


    Probably the finest museum of contemporary art in all of Central America, the Ortiz-Gurdián Collection has spilled over from its original home in Casa Don…

  • Museo Histórico de la Revolución


    León is the heart and soul of liberal Nicaragua. Stop into this museum for an overview of the Nicaraguan revolutionaries who stood up against the Somoza…

  • Catedral de León


    Officially known as the Basílica de la Asunción, León’s cathedral is the largest in Central America, its expansive design famously (and perhaps…

  • Museo de Leyendas y Tradiciones


    León’s most entertaining and eclectic museum is housed in La XXI (the 21st Garrison), decorated with murals graphically depicting methods the Guardia…

  • Museo Rubén Darío


    Nicaragua's most famous poet, Rubén Dario, lived in this house for the first 14 years of his life – indeed, he started writing poetry right here at age 12…

  • El Fortín de Acososco


    The Guardia Nacional’s last holdout in León can be reached by the 2.5km dirt road from the western side of Guadalupe cemetery, on the southern border of…

  • Museo de Arte Sacre


    Call ahead to make sure this intriguing museum is open. You’ve probably noticed this neighborhood’s churches are in some disrepair, a situation that…

  • Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de Sutiaba


    The Subtiaba neighborhood is centered on this church, located about 1km west of the León cathedral. It’s better known as ‘Catedral Subtiaba,’ and is the…

  • Museo Adiáct


    This interesting little museum inside the Casa Cultural de Subtiaba, is a beautifully muraled building; you may need to ask that it be opened. You’re…

  • Iglesia de San Francisco


    The 1639 Iglesia de San Francisco is one of the oldest in the city, a national heritage site with lots of gold, a gorgeous nave, and a rococo interior. It…

  • Ruinas Iglesia Santiago


    Well signed 1½ blocks away from San Juan Bautista, this church was (according to local legend) cursed by duendes (fairies), and by the looks of it the…

  • Las Ruinas de Veracruz


    A few blocks west of the Iglesia Santiago are the ruins of this 16th-century church destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 1835. It remains a spiritual…

  • Museo Entomológico


    For a truly comprehensive collection of creepy crawlies, butterflies, scorpions and other critters from all over Central America, drop into this private…

  • Casa del Obrero


    An early 20th-century landmark, the Casa del Obrero (House of the Worker) honors Nicaraguan laborers. The building became a historical symbol on September…

  • Iglesia de la Merced


    Home to León’s patron saint, la Virgen de la Merced, this is considered the city’s second-most-important church. After Volcán Momotombo erupted and forced…

  • Ermita de San Pedro


    This church, two blocks east and one block south of San Juan Bautista, was constructed between 1706 and 1718. It's considered one of the best examples of…

  • Iglesia El Calvario


    A hodgepodge of neoclassical and baroque styles, the richly hued El Calvario dates from the 18th century. It's notable, among other attributes, for the…

  • Parque Rubén Darío


    This quaint park has a statue of the poet master and busts of other, lesser Leónese poets, including Alfonso Cortés (1893–1969), Azarias H Pallais (1884…

  • Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe


    Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, built in 1743, is León's only church that's oriented north–south; it's historically connected to the city by the 1850 Puente…

  • Iglesia de San Nicolás de Laborío


    Felipe III of Spain ordered this graceful church to be built in 1618. If you take the street east to the Ruinas de la Ermita de San Sebastián, you're…

  • Iglesia Zaragoza


    For something completely different, swing by the ultra-Gothic 1884 Iglesia Zaragoza. There's an interesting mix of architectural styles here – it looks…

  • Ruinas San Sebastián


    Built on a spiritually significant site for indigenous people, this 1742 church was wrecked during the Somoza's bombardment of León in 1979. You can still…

  • Galería de Héroes y Mártires


    A homage to León’s more recent history is found at the Galería de Héroes y Mártires, run by mothers of FSLN veterans and fallen heroes, with murals,…

  • Mausoleo de los Héroes y Mártires


    A monument to the local heroes, the eternal flame of the Mausoleum of Heroes & Martyrs rests within a small plaza just north of the Parque Central,…

  • Iglesia de San Felipe


    This 17th-century church occupies a whole block on the northern edge of downtown and was constructed to serve the spiritual needs of working-class…

  • Casa Cultural de Subtiaba


    Look for the faded mural at the headquarters for area indigenous communities and home to Museo Adiáct.

  • Capilla San Juan de Dios


    A Victorian-style chapel around the corner from Rubén Darío's one-time home, with a modernist, neoclassical exterior and appealing interior.

  • Iglesia San Juan Bautista


    This 17th-century neoclassical church was rebuilt more than once and boasts an impressive bell tower.

  • UCAN


    Pricey private school worth checking out for a look into León's university scene.

  • UCC


    This university specializes in architecture and tourism-related degrees.