Dating to the late 11th century, this lovely hilltop church with its broad stone facade retains an original Gothic portal and pointed arches.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
28.66 MILES
Sicily's most enthralling archaeological site encompasses the ruined ancient city of Akragas, highlighted by the stunningly well-preserved Tempio della…
19.8 MILES
Midway between the ancient ruins of Selinunte (38km south) and Segesta (45km north) lies this extraordinary modern marvel – a disconcerting, lunar-like…
21.59 MILES
The Acropolis, the heart of Selinunte's political and social life, occupies a slanted plateau overlooking the now-silted-up Gorgo di Cottone. Huddled in…
28.62 MILES
One of the best-preserved ancient Greek temples in existence, the Temple of Concordia has survived almost entirely intact since it was constructed in 430…
28.18 MILES
North of the temples, this wheelchair-accessible museum is one of Sicily's finest, with a huge collection of clearly labelled artefacts from the excavated…
28.12 MILES
In a natural cleft between walls of soft tuff (volcanic rock), the Giardino della Kolymbetra is a lush garden of olive and citrus trees interspersed with…
16.89 MILES
This stunning 761-hectare natural park, administered by the World Wildlife Fund, offers plenty of scope for walkers, with well-marked trails and sweeping…
Parco Archeologico di Selinunte
21.04 MILES
The ancient Greek metropolis of Selinunte was built in the 7th century BC on a promontory overlooking the sea, and over two and a half centuries became…
Nearby attractions
7.92 MILES
About 3km east of town, the Castello Incantato is actually a large park festooned with thousands of sculpted heads. The man behind this bizarre collection…
8.94 MILES
Northeast of Piazza Scandaliato is Sciacca's cathedral, first erected in 1108 and rebuilt in 1656. Only the three apses survive from the original Norman…
9.02 MILES
This 18th-century reconstruction of a 16th-century church sits on the western end of Piazza Scandaliato.
9.05 MILES
This most imposing of Sciacca's palazzi is recognisable by its diamond-point rustication and twin-mullioned windows. It was built in the Catalan-Gothic…
This architectural mish-mash of a church has an odd-looking 13th-century rose window that predates the majolica-tiled dome by some 600 years.
9.12 MILES
This 16th-century town gate is covered in Renaissance ornamentation.
9.12 MILES
This 14th-century church features a superb Renaissance portal and a rather chipped baroque interior.
8. Area Archeologica Eraclea Minoa
13.24 MILES
Set on a headland above the seaside village of Eraclea Minoa, the vestiges of this ancient Greek city are limited to the crumbling remains of a soft…