Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
San Giovanni & Testaccio
This monumental building is Rome’s official cathedral and the pope’s seat as the bishop of Rome.
Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
San Giovanni & Testaccio
This monumental building is Rome’s official cathedral and the pope’s seat as the bishop of Rome.
San Giovanni & Testaccio
The remains of the emperor Caracalla’s vast baths complex are among Rome’s most awe-inspiring ruins. Inaugurated in AD 212, the original 10-hectare site,…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Nowhere better illustrates the various stages of Rome's turbulent past than this fascinating multilayered church. The ground-level 12th-century basilica…
Cimitero Acattolico per gli Stranieri
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Despite the roads that surround it, Rome’s 'non-Catholic' cemetery is a verdant oasis of peace. An air of Grand Tour romance hangs over the site where up…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
This solemn basilica, one of Rome's most beautiful early Christian churches, was founded by Peter of Illyria around AD 422. It was enlarged in the 9th…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
With its grassy banks and colourful flower beds, this leafy park is a wonderful place to escape the crowds and enjoy a summer picnic. At its centre is a…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Built after the barbarians’ invasion of Rome, the remarkably well-preserved Porta San Paolo once served as a southern gate in the 3rd-century Aurelian…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Stretched out on the slopes of the Aventine Hill, this idyllic garden boasts more than 1100 of the rarest roses, coaxed into life each spring by a team of…
Basilica dei SS Quattro Coronati
San Giovanni & Testaccio
This brooding fortified church harbours some lovely 13th-century frescoes and a delightful hidden cloister, accessible from the left-hand aisle. The…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Fronting an ornate cypress-shaded piazza, the Roman headquarters of the Sovereign Order of Malta, aka the Cavalieri di Malta (Knights of Malta), boasts…
Chiesa di San Gregorio al Celio
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Ring for admission to this landmark church standing on the spot where Pope Gregory the Great supposedly dispatched St Augustine to convert the British…
Santuario della Scala Santa & Sancta Sanctorum
San Giovanni & Testaccio
The Scala Santa, said to be the staircase Jesus walked up in Pontius Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem, was brought to Rome by St Helena in the 4th century…
Chiesa di Santo Stefano Rotondo
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Set in its own secluded grounds, this haunting church boasts a porticoed facade and a round, columned interior. But what really gets the heart racing is…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
In the heart of the eponymous neighbourhood, this grass-covered mount, known locally as Monte dei Cocci, is an artificial hill made entirely from the…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Palazzo Laterano was the official papal residence until the pope moved to the Vatican in 1377. Adjacent to the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, it's…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
According to tradition, two Roman soldiers, John and Paul (not to be confused with the Apostles), lived in these houses before they were beheaded by the…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Sticking out like, well, an Egyptian pyramid, this distinctive landmark looms over a busy traffic junction near Piramide metro station. A 36m-high marble…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Housed in Rome’s former slaughterhouse, the Mattatoio complex is one of Rome's top contemporary arts venues. Its cavernous halls, themselves fine examples…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Overlooking Palazzo Laterano, this is said to be the world's largest standing Egyptian obelisk. Topping off at almost 46m, it's also the oldest of Rome's…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Officially called the Parco Savello but known to every Roman as the Giardino degli Aranci (Orange Garden), this walled park is a romantic haven. Head down…
Basilica dei SS Giovanni e Paolo al Celio
San Giovanni & Testaccio
A popular wedding location, this handsome medieval church dates to the 4th century when it was built over the houses of two Roman martyrs. It has since…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Built by Constantine in the 4th century, this octagonal baptistery served as the prototype for later Christian churches and bell towers. The chief point…
San Giovanni & Testaccio
This showy brick facade adorned with a gold apse mosaic is an 18th-century reconstruction of the end wall of the banqueting hall in the original Palazzo…
UN Food & Agriculture Organisation
San Giovanni & Testaccio
Seat of the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation since 1952, this vast building was originally commissioned by Mussolini to house the Ministry of Italian…