Pantai Akasahu

The beach itself isn't special, but the modest hot-spring pool here draws a crowd of locals.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Benteng Torre

5.48 MILES

No less spectacular than its nearby twin, Benteng Tahula, Torre was built by the Spanish in the early 17th century. Broken lava flows, vivid tropical…

2. Sonyine Malige

5.51 MILES

Around 200m north of Benteng Tahula, the Sonyine Malige Sultan’s Memorial Museum displays the sultan’s throne and giant spittoons, plus the royal crown…

3. Pulau Maitara

5.65 MILES

A three-minute speedboat hop from Rum, Pulau Maitara's clear waters are fine for snorkelling and swimming but watch out for the numerous sea urchins.

4. Majolica Ulama Indonesia

5.79 MILES

It's hardly the Hagia Sophia, and the seaward minarets have been reclaimed by the sea (only the crumbled footings remain), but this concrete-and-tile…

5. Benteng Kalamata

5.89 MILES

The 1540 Benteng Kalamata is dramatically situated on the waterfront 1km southwest of Bastiong, staring down Ternate's old foe, Tidore. You can wander the…

6. Benteng Tahula

5.92 MILES

A legacy of Spain's short-lived presence in Tidore, this early 17th-century fort is well preserved, with orderly market gardens within and spectacular…

7. Benteng Oranye

6.14 MILES

Known to the Portuguese as Fort Malayo, the Dutch-built Benteng Oranye, which dates from the early 17th century, is a sprawling, largely ruinous complex…

8. Royal Mosque

6.48 MILES

On the 27th evening of Ramadan, Lailat-ul-Qadr celebrations see the sultan’s procession arrive to a mass of flaming torches at the Royal Mosque, which has…