ENSENADA, MEXICO - MAY 3, 2017:  Domed building overlooking the vineyards of the Adobe Guadalupe Winery in Baja California.  ; Shutterstock ID 635356664; Your name (First / Last): Sarah Stocking; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: online edtiorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Destination Page Baja California

Shutterstock / Sherry V Smith

Ruta del Vino & Valle de Guadalupe

Beloved by residents of Mexico and Southern California, but a surprise to just about everyone else, Baja's wine country is an intoxicating blend of luxury lodging, wine tasting and fine dining with dirt roads, cacti amid the grapevines and a very laid-back attitude. It's actually one of the oldest wine-producing regions in the Americas, now with over 60 wineries, and it attracts a very hip crowd of 20- to 40-somethings looking to relax and indulge in the finer things on a relatively low budget. Once people began whispering that this is the next Napa, the word spread further afield and the wines are gaining attention internationally.

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