The hamlet of Esmate provides a scenic vantage point over the northern end of Lake Iseo. The views are good from the churchyard but breathtaking if you follow Via Cerrete about 2.5km from the church (it changes names several times). Where it narrows amid thick woods, several brief trails (20m or so) lead out to magnificent, wild viewpoints high above the lake.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

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A gallery concentrating on Venetian and Lombard art that's been around for nearly 200 years. Look out for works by Jacopo Bellini, Giambattista Tiepolo…

3. Lake Endine

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Lovely, mirror-still Lake Endine is surrounded by woods and reed banks. Tranquillity is assured on this lake where motorboats are banned. Lakeside paths…

4. Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta


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5. Monte Isola

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6. Villa Faccanoni

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