Must-see attractions in Valle d'Aosta

  • Fort Bard in Italy

    Forte di Bard

    Valle d'Aosta

    A fort has existed here for millennia and the current 1830s Savoy edifice is an imposing one, set high up upon a rocky escarpment at the jaws of the Valle…

  • Giardino Alpino Paradisia

    Valle d'Aosta

    The park's amazing biodiversity, including butterflies and Alpine flora, can be seen in summer at this fascinating Alpine botanical garden in the tiny…

  • Cattedrale Santa Maria Assunta


    The neoclassical facade of Aosta's cathedral belies the impressive Gothic interior. Inside, the carved 15th-century walnut-wood choir stalls are…

  • Museo Archeologico Regionale


    Aosta’s little city museum does an excellent job of detailing the city’s Roman history with a scale model of Aosta’s Roman layout plus various…

  • Castello di Verrès

    Valle d'Aosta

    Past St-Vincent is the sober Castello di Verrès, a late-Gothic monolith that stands on the ancient Via Francigena, a pilgrims’ path between Canterbury in…

  • Chiesa di Sant'Orso


    This intriguing church is part of a still-operating monastery. The church dates back to the 10th century but was altered on several occasions, notably in…

  • Basilica Paleocristiana di San Lorenzo


    Beneath the old parish church of the village, you can glimpse the dusty layers of early Christian history. Excavations have revealed a small cruciform…

  • Castello di Fénis

    Valle d'Aosta

    East from Aosta is the magnificently restored Castello di Fénis. Formerly owned by the Challant family, it features rich frescoes. Despite its…

  • Castello di Issogne

    Valle d'Aosta

    Around 1km southwest of the Dora Baltea river, below the town of Verrès, is the 15th-century Castello d’Issogne. This building was a castle, although you…

  • Criptoportico Forense


    What remains of the city's Augustan forum mostly lies beneath the 'modern' piazza, although you can visit its colonnaded underground walkway (known as a…

  • Roman Bridge


    This arched, cobbled Roman bridge, also know as the Pont de Pierre, crossed the River Buthier in the first century AD, but today it's high and dry (though…

  • Teatro Romano


    Part of the Roman theatre's 22m-high facade is still intact. In summer, performances are held in the better-preserved lower section.

  • Torre dei Balivi


    This former 12th-century prison once formed a significant corner of Aosta's Roman wall.

  • Arco di Augusto


    This squat and rather austere triumphal arch was built in 25BC.

  • Torre dei Fromage


    Next to the Porta Praetoria, this imposing tower is named not for the love of French cheese (fromage) but rather after the last descendent of the medieval…