Rügen Island
Macht Urlaub (Power Vacation) is a well-done exhibition on the Nazis and the role the workers' resort Prora played in their 'strength through joy' schemes…
James Bedford
With its white-sand beaches, canopies of chestnut, oak, elm and poplar trees, charming architecture and even its own national park, Rügen offers numerous ways to enjoy nature. Although summer draws thousands of visitors to its shores, Rügen’s lush 1000-sq-km surface area fringed by 574km of coastline means there are still plenty of quiet corners to escape the crowds. You can appreciate Rügen on a day-trip from Stralsund.
Rügen Island
Macht Urlaub (Power Vacation) is a well-done exhibition on the Nazis and the role the workers' resort Prora played in their 'strength through joy' schemes…
Rügen Island
Northwest of Binz, in a lovely Rügen forest, the extraordinary spiral Aussichtsturm Adlerhorst rises 30m above the forest floor – the spiral ramp goes…
Rügen Island
A grandiose hunting palace built in 1723 on top of the 107m-high Tempelberg, Jagdschloss Granitz was significantly enlarged and altered by Wilhelm Malte I…
Rügen Island
The beach just north of Binz still bears testament to Nazi plans to create the world's largest resort: six hideous six-storey buildings, each 500m long,…
Rügen Island
A highlight of Binz is simply strolling its 4km-long north–south beach promenade, lined with elegant villas. At the southern end of the built-up area, you…
Rügen Island
Sellin's Seebrüucke (pier) is an ornate, turreted pavilion sitting out over the water at the end of a long wooden causeway. The original pier was built in…
Rügen Island
Göhren has a collection of four historic sites, which together make up the Monchgüter Museen, including the historical Heimatsmuseum, the Museumshof farm,…
Nationalpark-Zentrum Königsstuhl
Rügen Island
Admission to Jasmund National Park is through the Nationalpark-Zentrum Königsstuhl, which has multimedia displays on environmental themes, a ‘climbing…
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