Shanshangan Guild Hall

This tiny, elaborately styled guild hall was built as a lodging and meeting place during the Qing dynasty by an association of merchants from Shanxi (山西), Shaanxi (陕西) and Gansu (甘肃) provinces. You can delve into the exhibition on historic Kaifeng and see a fascinating diorama of the old Song city – with its palace in the centre of town – and compare it with a model of modern Kaifeng. Note the ornate carvings on the roof beams.

Also look out for the scale-model re-creation of Zhang Zeduan’s famed Qingming painting.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

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2. Longting Park

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3. Temple of the Chief Minister

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4. Kāifēng Fǔ

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5. Kaifeng City Walls

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6. Iron Pagoda Park


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