Port Lincoln Railway Museum

In the noble heritage-listed Port Lincoln railway station building (1927) and an adjacent freight shed, this trainspotters paradise shines a light on how this vast peninsula was opened up by rail expansion in the early 1900s.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Beer Garden Brewing

0.16 MILES

Right next door to Port Lincoln's backpacker hostel (savvy positioning), Beer Garden Brewing brings the craft-beer revolution to the Eyre Peninsula…

2. Axel Stenross Maritime Museum

1.55 MILES

Chart Port Lincoln's history of boat-building, sailing and whaling in this tin-shed museum on the shores of Boston Bay, just north of town (look for the…

3. Boston Bay Wines

1.72 MILES

Seems like everywhere you go in SA these days there's a winery cellar door (well, except the desert). Port Lincoln is no exception. On the northern…

4. Winters Hill Lookout

2.38 MILES

For a show-stopping view over Port Lincoln and Boston Bay extending to the tuna farms and Lincoln National Park beyond, take the drive up to the top of…

5. Lincoln National Park

8.63 MILES

Sea-salty Lincoln National Park is 13km south of Port Lincoln. You'll find roaming emus, roos and brush-tailed bettongs, safe swimming coves, vast dunes…

6. Mikkira Station

12.46 MILES

About 20km south of Port Lincoln, Mikkira Station was Eyre Peninsula’s first sheep station, and is also home to more koalas than seems plausible, plus the…

7. Tumby Bay Mural

27.15 MILES

One of several giant murals to appear on South Australian wheat silos in recent years, this glorious spangle of colour is the work of Argentinian artist…

8. Tumby Bay National Trust Museum

27.68 MILES

Inside a prefab 1950s school building, fronted by a rather scrawny tin-man fisherman, Tumby Bay's little history museum is chock-full of interesting odds…