One of the Middle East’s most prestigious and expensive universities, the AUB was founded in 1866 by American Protestant missionary Daniel Bliss. Spread over 28 tree-filled hectares, it is a true oasis in this fume-filled city. The on-site archaeological museum was founded in 1868, and has a fine collection of Lebanese and Middle Eastern artefacts dating back to the early Stone Age. Inside the university gate, a visitor office can arrange a free tour of the campus.

Shutterstock / Diego Fiore
American University of Beirut
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
2.41 MILES
Located on the former Green Line, this is Beirut's major cultural institution. Its impressive, magnificently displayed collection of archaeological…
20.26 MILES
The largest of Lebanon’s three natural protectorates, comprising an incredible 5% of the total land area, this is the largest natural cedar reserve in the…
2.31 MILES
Under the St Joseph university, this atmospheric and beautifully designed museum presents an extraordinary collection of exquisitely selected and…
14.71 MILES
The main square is a showcase of fine Arab architecture, including the Mosque of Emir Fakhreddine Maan, built in 1493, and, behind it, a cobbler's souq…
1.37 MILES
When a bomb fell on the Orthodox cathedral in 1975, the only silver lining was that it revealed these ruins beneath. Though the area is small, an…
24.08 MILES
Along with Tripoli's, Saida's old city is Lebanon's most characterful and authentic souq area. It's a delight to wander the narrow lanes, ducking into…
15.18 MILES
Sitting majestically on a hill surrounded by terraced gardens and orchards, Beiteddine Palace is one of the highlights of the Chouf Mountains. This…
17.89 MILES
A well-restored Crusader castle dominates Byblos' atmospheric archaeological site, which incorporates Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Greek and Roman ruins –…
Nearby Beirut attractions
1. Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut
0.12 MILES
The AUB Museum was founded in 1868 and is one of the oldest in the Middle East. On permanent display is its collection of Lebanese and Middle Eastern…
0.19 MILES
The IFI holds the distinction of being the only Zaha Hadid-designed building in Beirut. The structure is distinctive in appearance too: it’s a…
0.47 MILES
Banque du Liban Museum is an offbeat little stop for a change of pace. The collection includes coins dating back to 500 BC; some of the retired Lebanese…
0.59 MILES
Housed in a gorgeous 1930s villa, Dar El Nimer features rotating art exhibits and an impressive permanent collection including decorative arts, glass,…
0.64 MILES
A very well-maintained public park with soothing greenery and water, this has playground equipment for the kids to let off steam, and plenty of paved…
0.78 MILES
Luna Park is a rickety old amusement park, with all the attendant charms and nuisances, at which most Western tourists turn up their noses. Bypass the…
0.96 MILES
These limestone outcrops just offshore are prime selfie territory and a Beirut landmark. They are impressive; one has an archway eroded through it. A…
8. Robert Mouawad Private Museum
1.03 MILES
The world would be a poorer place if it didn't host idiosyncratic cultural institutions such as this one. Conceived and funded by jeweller and collector…