Excellent bushwalks range from the 100m Tree-in-the-Rock stroll to the harder Hayward and Nancy Peaks (5.5km loop). The Devil's Slide (5km return) passes through karri forest and stumpy vegetation of the granite zone. These walks start from the main day-use area (Bolganup Rd). Castle Rock Trail to Balancing Rock (3km return) starts further east, off the Mt Barker–Porongurup Rd. The popular Castle Rock Granite Skywalk Trail (4km return, two hours) negotiates a steep and spectacular path up the rock.

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Porongurup National Park
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
24.18 MILES
Opened for Albany's Anzac centenary commemorations in late 2014, this superb museum remembers the men and women who left by convoy from Albany to fight in…
Encompassing the Eclipse building, the Residency Museum and Brig Amity, this regional museum is a terrific introduction to Albany's history. The Eclipse…
24.16 MILES
As a strategic port, Albany was historically regarded as being vulnerable to attack. Built in 1893 on Mt Adelaide, this fort was initially constructed as…
16.3 MILES
Run by the third generation of the Montgomery family, this vineyard particularly excels when it comes to cabernet sauvignon and shiraz. The unwooded…
26.76 MILES
This 1156-sq-km national park consists of a single chain of peaks pushed up by plate tectonics to form a range 10km wide and 65km long. Running most of…
Historic Whaling Station at Discovery Bay
28.92 MILES
When the Cheynes Beach Whaling Station ceased operations in November 1978, few could have guessed that the formerly gore-covered decks would eventually be…
23.75 MILES
Memorial to WWI soldiers who fought at the Nek in the Gallipoli campaign of 1915. The memorial was originally erected in Port Said, Egypt. However, it was…
23.97 MILES
The 1851 Old Gaol was originally a hiring depot for ticket-of-leave convicts, and a civil gaol from 1872. Experience the 'black hole' isolation cell,…
Nearby attractions
3.01 MILES
Family-owned winery producing award-winning riesling, shiraz, sauvignon blanc and chardonnay. Also great for pinot noir, as well as a sparkling della and…
4.38 MILES
Particularly good for award-winning, single-vineyard shiraz, riesling and rosé, a fantastic reserve shiraz and sparkling riesling and shiraz. Cellar door…
8.28 MILES
A short drive east of Porongurup National Park, this small, family-run winery serves trophy-winning riesling and pinot noir, as well as excellent syrah,…
13.63 MILES
The first winery in the Great Southern, founded by a descendant of the House of Plantagenet. This 5 Red Star winery is renowned for its riesling, shiraz…
5. Mt Barker Police Station Museum
13.8 MILES
Mt Barker has been settled by Europeans since the 1830s and the convict-built 1868 police station and gaol have been preserved as a museum.
16.3 MILES
Run by the third generation of the Montgomery family, this vineyard particularly excels when it comes to cabernet sauvignon and shiraz. The unwooded…
19.04 MILES
In lovely grounds around 10km west of Mt Barker, this 5-star winery is a regular award winner for its single vineyard shiraz, chardonnay and cabernet…
19.67 MILES
Family-run winery and one of the earliest producers of pinot noir in the region. Also award-winning sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, cabernet merlot blends…