There’s a new app around that allows you to catch upgrade offers on your next hotel stay, to enjoy the best room you could possibly get at a discounted price.

A hotel suite decorated with white and beige tones
The app will allow you to receive upgrade offers from the hotels you've booked © Greg Elms / Lonely Planet

The app is called Upgradus, and it was born from an idea of founder and now CEO Guy Ratcliffe when he realised how “there were even better rooms or suites above my budget that were empty” during many of his hotel stays. He considered how he would have taken an offer for a discounted upgrade if one had been made, and that’s how Upgradus was born.

The way in which Upgradus work is simple - guests let the app know they’re interested in an upgrade offer on the hotel stay they’ve already booked, and Upgradus then communicates this to the hotel. That way, the hotel can make guests an offer in the time that passes between booking and the actual check-in, giving them enough time to consider whether they’d like to accept the upgrade or not.

A young woman using her smartphone
The Upgradus app works everywhere in the world © d3sign / Getty Images

If they do accept it, they’ll pay the difference directly to the hotel in what Ratcliffe describes as a “win-win solution,” since guests will get the chance “to enjoy a more luxury experience” and hotels will fill premium rooms that would otherwise remain empty without “leaving huge potential revenues unrealised every single day.”

Of course, the app can’t guarantee that guests will receive an offer since those depend from the hotel’s availability and booking. What it does is act as an intermediary between them and the hotel, so that everything can be done smoothly.

A hotel suite decorated in warm and rich colours like oranges and browns
The app takes advantage of the "silent period" between booking and the actual check-in © Yadid Levy / Getty Images

If you’d like to know more, you can find more information about Upgradus at its official website here.

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