Solo travelling can be wonderful but challenging, and for a solo female traveller, there can be added challenges. But if you don’t want to give up on adventurous travel there’s now a new option available that will also help you feel a bit safer.

A group of women hugging while out on the road
ExplorHer organises adventurous trips for small groups of women and girls © Dougal Waters / Getty Images

ExplorHer is a new travel group based in Italy (more specifically, in Tuscany), born out of the experience and passion of three travel agents - Martina Regazzoni, Silvia Chiosi and Lorenzo Conforti. ExplorHer, as the name might suggest, organises adventurous trips around Europe, Africa and America for small groups of women and girls.

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“ExplorHer was born as a project for women who are alone but not lonely, who want to take some time just for themselves and can be a real force of nature,” the ExplorHer team told Lonely Planet. ExplorHer organizes trips for small groups of women and girls (no more than ten or twelve per trip), and curates every single detail, choosing itineraries that are unusual and making sure there’s always a very real and direct contact with the local culture. Travelling with a small group of women is “wonderful,” the team said, because “with such small numbers there’s a really familiar atmosphere, and the friendships formed during the trip can last for a long time”.

A group of girls looking at a photo next to Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
ExplorHer organises no more than one trip per month, taking into accounts all kinds of suggestions from the people who will participate © Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images

With the same mindset of helping women to travel safely and comfortably, ExploreHer has recently launched a new project called ExplorKid for mothers who “love to travel and don’t see the birth of a child as a limit but rather a new way of discovering the world through the eyes of their kid”.

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The ExplorKid trips will initially happen over weekends in European cities, as travelling with kids is definitely “demanding”. There are always doubts and questions right from when one starts packing, but the ExplorHer team told Lonely Planet that this is exactly why ExplorKid was born, “because travelling mothers have the same needs and worries and in this way they can help each other,” while also enjoying some relaxing time off when the children will be busy in fun activities tailored specifically for them.

A mother and child walk holding hands in the countryside
"It's important for children to discover the world, it develops their adaptability" © d3sign / Getty Images

In the end “our greatest satisfaction is seeing the smile of those who decide to leave with us and come back happy,” the team told Lonely Planet. If you’d like to know more about ExplorHer you can check out their website here, and you can also keep up with their trips at their Instagram page here.

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