Want to travel the world and take pictures? Sure, who doesn’t? But what about earning thousands while you do it? Now we’ve got your attention. This is the latest dream job for a family photographer that will see you travel extensively in 2019.

Travel News - family photographer job with travel
A family photo shoot in Cape Town. Photo by Zero Creatives

The unusual job posting comes from photography website Perfocal and is bound to receive hundreds of applicants for the coveted position. The request comes from a wealthy family who is seeking a personal photographer to be available to travel internationally for at least 12 months with them and take pictures of their vacations.

This isn't just the occasional two week stint however. The travel periods may last up to three months at a time and they warn that frequently the photographer may only get a few days notice before packing up and leaving the UK again. The days are long – up to 10 hours a day – but you will get full sick pay and 30 days holidays.

Travel News - photography gig with travel and family
The family has holiday homes all over the world. Photo by Greg Elms/Lonely Planet

The perks are considerable, however. As well as a salary of £80,000 a year (US$102,000), your travel, food and accommodation expenses will also be fully covered. You'll be attending some of the most famous events in the world; Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the Rio de Janeiro carnival and the Formula One Grand Prix just to name a few.

You'll also accompany the family diving in the Maldives, skiing in Val d'Isere and through their holiday homes in Europe, North and South America and Australia. You'll spend your work time taking “lifestyle” shots of the family who, up until now, have employed a photographer on a semi-permanent basis but had to leave due to other commitments.

Travel News - dream job for photographer
You'll be visiting Val d'Isere with the family. Photo by ventdusud/Getty Images

As you might expect from such a huge task, the interview process will be rigorous. You'll need five years experience shooting similar photographs and shortlisted candidates will be subject to extensive background checks. There will then be a weekend-long interview process with the family to “make sure the right chemistry is there.”

If you think you're up to the task and ready to leave your regular life behind in 2019, you can register your interest here.

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