The inspiring climate activist Greta Thunberg has appeared on a mural in San FranciscoArgentinian street artist Andrés Petroselli, also known as Cobre, has created a massive, 60ft high mural of the Swedish activist’s face, covering an entire side of a building in downtown San Francisco.

A picture of the mural, with a zoomed in Greta Thunberg
San Francisco's latest mural features famous climate activist Greta Thunberg © Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

The mural was commissioned by the non-profit organisation One Atmosphere, who mean to create a whole series of portraits dedicated to climate activists so as to “acknowledge their contributions and to amplify their calls for change,” it reads on the campaign’s official description. Such a huge mural is sure to make people stop and stare, and maybe wonder about what they can do for the environment and the planet.

A far shot of the mural in all its height on the side of the building
Artist Cobre has donated his time to the project, while One Atmosphere organisation provided the paint and other materials © Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

On an Instagram caption, artist Cobre describes how he used about 80 cans of eco-friendly spray to paint the murals, hand-rolling the rest of the colours directly onto the wall - the cans will also soon be reused by Cobre himself on a sculpture focusing on climate change, so as to reduce the artwork’s carbon footprint even more.

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Ultimately, Cobre says, “this is not a political issue, this is a human issue, it doesn’t matter what you think about [Greta]”. The mural is a way to amplify her message and make sure it reaches as many people as possible.

Another close up shot of the mural and Greta Thunberg's face
The mural is meant to be a way to spread Greta Thunberg's message to as wide an audience as possible © Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

If you want to keep in touch with Cobre you can do so at his Instagram page here, while if you’re interested in One Atmosphere’s murals in honour climate warriors you can check out its progress here.

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