TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY Nina LARSON  .People visit Iceland's Phallological Museum on June 28, 2011 in Husavik. From gigantic whale penises to speck-sized field mouse testicles and lampshades made from bull scrotums, Iceland's small Phallological Museum has it all, and recently put its first human member on display. AFP PHOTO / HALLDOR KOLBEINS (Photo credit should read HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images)

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Icelandic Phallological Museum

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Oh, the jokes are endless here... This unique museum houses a huge collection of penises, and it's actually very well done. From pickled pickles to petrified wood, there are 286 different members on display, representing all Icelandic mammals and beyond. Featured items include contributions from sperm whales and a polar bear, minuscule mouse bits, silver castings of each member of the Icelandic handball team and a single human sample – from deceased mountaineer Páll Arason.

The acquisition of Arason's 'specimen' was the subject of odd-ball documentary The Final Member (2012). Other donors-in-waiting have already promised to bequeath their manhood (signed contracts are mounted on the wall). Quirky side note: all displays are translated into Esperanto.

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