We have enjoyed some amazing lunar events in recent months, including a black supermoon, a super snow moon, a full cold moon kiss and a super blood wolf eclipse. The thrilling spectacles are not stopping any time soon thankfully, as we are just about to welcome a super worm moon.

A supermoon over the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
A supermoon over the Acropolis in Athens, Greece © George Pachantouris/Getty Images

The full moon in March was known as the worm moon by Native American tribes, who tracked the changing seasons by the lunar months rather than the solar calendar. It is also known as the Lenten moon, crow moon, crust moon, chaste moon, sugar moon and sap moon. While it may seem strange to name a moon after a worm, it's because this moon takes place either just before or just after the first day of spring. Worms reappear around this time of year and birds feed on them, which begins the annual process of rebirth and renewal.

A supermoon over a city at night.
A full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth to the sun © Wang Jun/EyeEm

A full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth to the sun, meaning that its face is fully illuminated. This month's full moon is also a supermoon, which occurs when the moon's perigee — its closest approach to earth in a single orbit — coincides with a full moon. The moon appears significantly bigger and brighter than usual during a supermoon. This will be the second-closest full moon of the year and will also be the first of three straight full moon supermoons. It is also considered to be the Southern Hemisphere’s harvest moon, which brings with it a succession of moonlit nights as daylight fades.

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The 'supermoon' rises at Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil © Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images

The super worm moon will occur on 9 March at 17.48pm Universal Time and should be visible throughout the entire evening. So we can all hope for clear skies to be able to enjoy the sky in all its illuminated glory.

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