Durbanites are proud of their state-of-the-art stadium, constructed for the 2010 World Cup. Resembling a giant basket, it seats 56,000 people, and its…
Shutterstock / Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH
Cosmopolitan Durban, South Africa’s third-largest city (known as eThekweni in Zulu), is sometimes passed over for her ‘cooler’ cousin, Cape Town. But there’s a lot more to fun-loving Durbs (as it’s affectionately known) than meets the eye.
Durbanites are proud of their state-of-the-art stadium, constructed for the 2010 World Cup. Resembling a giant basket, it seats 56,000 people, and its…
Divided into areas including Sea World and Wet’n’Wild, uShaka Marine World boasts one of the largest aquariums in the world, the biggest collection of…
These collections are well worth seeing. Muckleneuk, a superb house designed by Sir Herbert Baker, holds the documents and artefacts collected by Dr…
A 2000-sq-metre garden featuring one of the rarest cycads (Encephalartos woodii), as well as many species of bromeliad, this is a lovely place to wander…
Found southwest of the city centre, this museum features a private collection of Southern African tribal artefacts, displayed in Roberts House, a…
Situated in Durban’s west, this is the biggest Hare Krishna temple in the southern hemisphere. The unusual building is designed in the shape of a lotus…
An often forgotten gem of Durban's historic past lies just outside the city in the Phoenix township. Here you can visit the house where Mahatma Gandhi…
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