Monaghan County Museum

More than 70,000 artefacts from the Stone Age to modern times are housed at this excellent regional museum. Its crowning glory is the 14th-century Cross of Clogher, an oak altar cross encased in decorative bronze panels. Other impressive finds include the Lisdrumturk and Altartate Cauldrons, medieval crannóg artefacts, and some frightening knuckledusters and cudgels relating to the border with the North.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

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In a commanding hilltop position this neo-Gothic Catholic cathedral with stepped buttresses, turrets and an 81m-high spire was built from local grey…

2. Rossmore Forest Park

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Crumbling remains of the Rossmore family's 19th-century castle, including its entrance stairway, buttresses and the family's pet cemetery, can still be…

3. Navan Centre

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The Navan Centre has exhibitions that put the Navan Fort in its historical context, and a recreation of an Iron Age settlement. From April to September,…

4. Navan Fort

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5. No 5 Vicar's Hill

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The collection of nearby Armagh Robinson Library spills over into the octagonal rooms of No 5 Vicar's Hill, a depository for Church of Ireland records,…

6. Palace Demesne Public Park

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This palace and surrounding 121-hectare estate were home to the archbishops of the Church of Ireland from the 1770s to the 1970s. The palace now houses…

8. Armagh Robinson Library

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