Jawaharlal Nehru's House, Allahabad, India

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This picturesque two-storey house is a shrine to the Nehru family, which has produced five generations of leading politicians, from Motilal Nehru (Jawaharlal's father) to the latest political figure, Rahul Gandhi. The 1927 stately home is where Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and others successfully planned the overthrow of the British Raj. It is full of books, personal effects and photos from those stirring times.

The next door Swaraj Bhavan is where former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was born. The English text and photos were spruced up for the 2017 centenary of her birth.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Swaraj Bhavan

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The house where former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was born was spruced up for the 2017 centenary of her birth and is worth a quick look.

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