Must-see attractions in Tegucigalpa

  • Visitors learn about the Mayas at the Museum of National Identity in Tegucigalpa on December 14, 2012. The beginning of a new Mayan era on December 21 will be marked with celebrations throughout southern Mexico and Central America. Honduras is one of five countries preparing to observe the date, which marks the end of a more than 5,000-year era, according to the Mayan "Long Count" calendar, which began in 3114 BC.  AFP PHOTO/Orlando SIERRA        (Photo credit should read ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/Getty Images)

    Museo para la Identidad Nacional


    If you hit only one sight in Tegus, head here. The museum is housed in the gorgeously renovated 19th-century former Palace of Ministries. It's a superb…

  • Parque Naciones Unidas El Picacho


    This small hilltop park 6km from downtown has busy walking trails, but the main reason to visit is to stand at the feet of the approximately 20m high El…

  • Plaza Morazán


    At the center of the city is the Plaza Morazán, often called Parque Central by locals – this is Tegucigalpa's hub. A statue of former president Francisco…

  • Centro de la Cultura Garinagu de Honduras


    It's well worth dropping by this cultural center, and situated right on the Parque Morazán, which is handicrafts, clothing and tools on display, as well…

  • Basílica de Suyapa


    The most important church in Tegucigalpa – and therefore in Honduras – is this neo-Gothic basílica. La Virgen de Suyapa is the patron saint of Honduras;…

  • Iglesia Los Dolores


    This striking church, which dominates an otherwise unremarkable plaza, has some attractive religious art. Its facade contains figures representing the…

  • Iglesia La Merced


    In 1847, the convent of La Merced was converted to house Honduras' first university; the country's national gallery was established there in 1996, but…

  • Palacio Legislativo


    This unusual modern building on stilts (next door to the Parque La Merced) is the Palacio Legislativo, where congress meets. It was here in December 2009…

  • Monumento a La Paz


    This monument, inside Tegucigalpa's largest park, was erected in 1996 in the name of eternal peace between the 'fraternal nations of Central America.'

  • Monumento a Simón Bolívar


    This monument to Latin America's great liberator straddles a busy junction in Tegucigalpa's well-to-do Colonia Palmira area.