Mangrove trees in Kiang West National Park Gambia, Africa; Shutterstock ID 1269786187; your: Erin Lenczycki; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: Destination Update

Shutterstock / Travel Telly

Baobolong Wetland Reserve & Kiang West National Park

Together, this pair of protected areas straddles the Gambia River and provides habitats for various wildlife, including an array of bird species. A pirogue cruise through the bolongs (creeks) and thick mangroves of the Baobolong Wetland Reserve on the north bank is great for birdwatching. On the south bank is the less-accessible Kiang West National Park, which has even more birdlife on show, as well as bushbucks and sitatungas. An easy-to-reach viewpoint, within the boundaries of Kiang West National Park on the south bank, is Toubab Kollon, from where an escarpment follows the river. Its view over woodlands makes a fine spot for watching birds, particularly early in the morning.