Gorges du Furon

Canyoning, abseiling and walking are all popular in the spectacular Gorges du Furon, carved through the Vercors limestone by the rushing Furon River. You'll see the gorges (in fact, pass through them) just before you reach Lans-en-Vercors, on the D531 from Grenoble.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Le Magasin

5.08 MILES

A cavernous glass-and-steel warehouse built by Gustave Eiffel has been turned into one of France's leading centres of contemporary art. Many of the…

2. Église St-Louis

6.07 MILES

Consecrated in 1699, the St-Louis church may look austere from the outside but within you'll find a staggering set of seven paintings, featuring scenes…

3. Téléphérique Grenoble-Bastille

6.18 MILES

Hop into a clear-panelled spherical pod for dreamy views of Grenoble's red roofs and magnificent mountains on this cable-car ride up to the Bastille. Les…

4. Musée Stendhal

6.22 MILES

This modest museum, housed in the restored apartment of his maternal grandfather, Docteur Gagnon, celebrates the work of the author of The Red and the…

5. Musée Dauphinois


This ever-evolving museum unleashes a century of regional history on visitors. Suits of armour are back-lit in brightly coloured rooms, 3-D family trees…

6. Musée des Troupes de Montagne

6.35 MILES

Though the subject is niche, this museum exploring France's elite Alpine regiments, which date to 1888, is riveting. An audioguide (in French, English,…

7. Fort de la Bastille

6.36 MILES

After a fun ride in the téléphérique, or a steep, hour-long climb, the reward is a magnificent mountain panorama from Grenoble's stocky fortress, built…

8. Cathédrale Notre Dame

6.42 MILES

The rose-brick rib vaults of Grenoble's elegant cathedral rise from the site of a 4th-century church. Its present form dates to the 1200s, though its…