Must-see attractions in The South

  • Buddhist Temple


    This small Buddhist temple at the west end of the beach has amazing bay views and also a vigilant monk ready to chase away anyone who is hoping to feign…

  • Zwart Bastion


    Guarding Galle harbour, this bastion was enlarged by the Dutch in 1730 and contains a tunnel (which has not been excavated), possibly once used as a…

  • All Saints Anglican Church


    A handsome Victorian Gothic structure dating from the mid-19th century. It boasts impressive stained-glass windows, beautifully carved timber arches and…

  • Lighthouse


    Guarding against the rocks at the southern end of the Galle promontory, this elegant 27m working lighthouse dates from 1939, though there's been a…

  • Dutch Market


    Look for the Dutch Market with its displays of fruits and vegetables under a 300-year-old columned roof. It's located on busy Main St, close to other food…

  • Viewpoint

    Tangalla & Around

    Follow Harbour Rd around the point and into the military area (which is usually wide open); there are great vistas from this viewpoint along the grassy…

  • Star Bastion


    Large bastion located in the extreme northwest of Fort's walls, with sweeping views of the ocean and nearby clock tower. It was once topped with six…

  • Moon Bastion


    There are terrific views over the Galle cricket stadium from this huge bastion, where Dutch soldiers once manned around 19 cannons.

  • Clock Tower


    Just inside the northern ramparts of the Fort, this large stone bell tower dates from 1883.

  • Kottawa Conservation Forest

    The South

    This 14-hectare wet evergreen forest about 19km northeast of Galle has walking tracks, but traffic noise (and rubbish) are an issue and you'll probably…

  • Tenavaram Kovil

    The South

    The original vast complex of Tenavaram Dondra was destroyed in 1587, and this compound is now the the largest temple in town. Sadly, a couple of (chained)…

  • Lighthouse Beach


    A slim swathe of sand right on the east side of the Fort. However it's not that great for a dip as there are rocks offshore and the beach is often…

  • Dutch Governor's House


    A striking building that dates from 1683, over its doorway is a cockerel and the crest of Galle. It's not open to the public.

  • Triton Bastion


    Small southwestern bastion, which was once topped with a windmill (used to draw water to clean Galle's streets).

  • Muslim Saint's Tomb


    Small tomb, dedicated to Dathini Ziryam, which is located outside the northwest section of the Fort walls.

  • Aurora Bastion


    East-facing bastion, with fine views of Galle harbour. Look out for blocks of coral in its walls.

  • Court Square


    This leafy, shady square is still a hub of legal activity and has several lawyers' chambers.

  • Bell Tower


    A small whitewashed bell tower supported by four slim pillars.

  • Neptune Bastion


    A minor bastion located on the western ramparts of the Fort.

  • Aeolus Bastion


    A west-facing, low-walled rampart and popular sunset spot.

  • Temple


    This modest structure overlooks the river.