Agapia Monastery

Moldavia & the Bucovina Monasteries

Agapia Monastery is an active nunnery, housing 300 to 400 nuns in two locations. The main monastery, Agapia din Vale, stands at the western end of Agapia village. It was built in 1644 by Gavril Coci (Vasile Lupu’s brother). It has relaxing gardens and an impressive facade, but most come to see the interior frescoes painted from 1858-61 by Romanian master Nicolae Grigorescu. A second, smaller monastery, Agapia din Deal (sometimes called Agapia Veche), is 1.6km up a steep road.

The main monastery also has a small museum, which exhibits 16th- and 17th-century icons, and a shop where you can buy icons and other religious articles. To find the monastery from Târgu Neamţ, head south along the main road to Piatra Neamţ, bearing right at the sign to Agapia village. The monastery is 7km further at the end of the road.