Must-see attractions in Nicaragua

  • Iglesia de San Felipe


    This 17th-century church occupies a whole block on the northern edge of downtown and was constructed to serve the spiritual needs of working-class…

  • Casa Cultural de Subtiaba


    Look for the faded mural at the headquarters for area indigenous communities and home to Museo Adiáct.

  • Capilla San Juan de Dios


    A Victorian-style chapel around the corner from Rubén Darío's one-time home, with a modernist, neoclassical exterior and appealing interior.

  • Monumento Emannuel Mongalo y Rubio

    Southwestern Nicaragua

    This monument honors the local schoolteacher who was instrumental in the capture of William Walker during the Battle of Rivas in 1856.

  • Catholic Church & Clock Tower

    Caribbean Coast

    A modern white-and-green Catholic church that is more or less open to the elements. It also has an impressive matching clock tower.

  • Centro Turistico Pochomil


    This is where you find ample visitor parking and access to Pochomil's dense cluster of beach restaurants and bars.

  • Iglesia de Guadelupe


    The imposing, twin towered Iglesia de Guadalupe was originally built as a fort in 1626 and refurbished in 1945.

  • Estatua de Montoya


    A statue dedicated to national hero Ramón Montoya, a Nicaraguan soldier who died (at the age of 14) in 1907.

  • Goat Beach

    Little Corn Island

    A gorgeous, secluded bay surrounded by jungle on the north side of the island that gets very few visitors.

  • Iglesia San Juan Bautista


    This 17th-century neoclassical church was rebuilt more than once and boasts an impressive bell tower.

  • Parque El Cerrito del Faro

    Caribbean Coast

    A small park on the upper level of town offering fantastic views over the surrounding mountains.

  • Galería Solentiname


    Appealing art gallery specializing in paintings and carvings from the Solentiname Islands.

  • Pozo el Salto

    Caribbean Coast

    This lovely partially dammed swimming hole, 4km north of town on the road to Managua, is framed in cascades of water and has been popular with picnickers…

  • Culture House

    Corn Islands

    The museum in this wooden building next to the stadium won't hold your attention very long with its pictures of old beauty queens, preserved lobsters and…

  • UCA


    Founded in 1960 as a Jesuit school, this is one of Nicaragua’s premier universities, with a curriculum heavy on science and alternative technologies, Che…

  • Parque Central

    Caribbean Coast

    The central plaza is constantly buzzing with man gossip thanks to the steady stream of ranchers, who come to get their boots shined next to El Lustrador,…

  • La Bocana

    Caribbean Coast

    The closest thing Bilwi has to a decent beach, this place is about as far from a Caribbean fantasy as it's possible to get, but folk still tramp up here…

  • Cruz de España

    Southwestern Nicaragua

    Ask your taxi driver to point out this monument, suspended from a gleaming half-arch above the traffic, which marks the spot where conquistador Gil…

  • Moravian Church

    Caribbean Coast

    You'll probably feel familiar with Pearl Lagoon's iconic church before you even reach the Caribbean, as it graces Nicaragua's 20 Cordoba banknote…

  • Centro Turístico


    This lakefront tourist center has restaurants, discos, sandy beaches, kids' play areas, and picnic spots, though the location is no good for swimming and…

  • Plaza de la Independencia


    North of Parque Central is Plaza de la Independencia, also known as the 'Plaza de los Leones.' The obelisk is dedicated to the heroes of the 1821 struggle…

  • Parque Reyes

    Caribbean Coast

    Bluefields' best green space is a popular meeting point with impressive 25m-high trees sprouting bromeliads in the canopy and a monument to the six ethnic…

  • Parque Japon


    This not-particularly Japanese park, nestled in the back blocks of the Metrocentro area, is a great place for a bit of time out. There are plenty of trees…

  • Seventh-Day Adventist Church

    Caribbean Coast

    The beautiful wooden church has been replaced by a concrete structure, but it's still worth swinging past for Saturday-morning services to listen to the…

  • UNAN


    The Managua branch of Nicaragua’s oldest university (the original is in León, the former capital) was founded in 1958 and has more than 24,000 students.

  • La Vicky


    The grocery store called 'La Vicky' doesn't stand here anymore, but locals still use it as a point of reference for navigating the town.

  • Jimmy Lever Beach

    Little Corn Island

    On the southern side of the island, this remote beach faces the open water, which has quite a few rocks. Scenic rather than idyllic.

  • Ebenezer Baptist Church

    Corn Islands

    This diminutive church with its singular tower was founded in the 1850s and is a local landmark on the north side of the island.

  • Parque Las Palmas


    A cute and shady little neighborhood park with the requisite benches, snack kiosks and even a laid-back bar in the middle.

  • Parroquia de Santiago Apóstol

    Caribbean Coast

    This elegant peach-colored colonial church fronts the leafy central park and is dedicated to the patron saint of Boaco.

  • Star City


    A former casino (now closed) and current landmark that locals use to give directions in the area.

  • Antiguo Hospital


    The city's old hospital ruins are a landmark locals often use when giving directions.

  • UCAN


    Pricey private school worth checking out for a look into León's university scene.

  • UCC


    This university specializes in architecture and tourism-related degrees.

  • Casa del Obrero


    A downtown landmark originally dedicated to the Nicaraguan worker.

  • Casino Pharaoh


    A landmark locals use to give directions in the neighborhood.

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