There are a few examples of German colonial architecture, including the 1910 Kaiserliches Postampt, the old post office. There's an information office inside where you can arrange local tours.
Kaiserliches Postampt
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
26.24 MILES
Call ahead for directions and a one-hour tour of this innovative distillery thats produce NamGin, Namibia's very own, home-grown gin. It's overseen by…
0.18 MILES
The town museum occupies the 1895 Rhenish Mission Church, which itself is arguably more interesting than the contents of the museum inside. The ramshackle…
Nearby Namibia attractions
0.18 MILES
The town museum occupies the 1895 Rhenish Mission Church, which itself is arguably more interesting than the contents of the museum inside. The ramshackle…
26.24 MILES
Call ahead for directions and a one-hour tour of this innovative distillery thats produce NamGin, Namibia's very own, home-grown gin. It's overseen by…