Tsáchila Communities

North Coast & Lowlands

The Tsáchila people number about 3000; their eight communities spread across a 10500-sq-km reserve around Santo Domingo. A community tour is available that includes a demonstration of plants used for medicinal purposes, an explanation of customs and traditions, and even dancing. Locals produce lovely hand-woven goods in their signature wild rainbow colors, as well as jewelry.

Contact José Aguabil, leader of the El Poste community, to arrange a visit. You can also visit Chihuilpe, located 17km from Santo Domingo on the road to Quevedo. Contact Tsapini Calasacón, the leader of the community there. To visit Los Naranjos, contact Alejandro Aguibil. Visitors are charged about $10 to $20 depending on the activities in which they partake. Tour agencies in Mindo can help you in contacting these folks.